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Scoop's Budget 2005 Coverage


Scoop Analysis: Budget 2005 A Very Political Baby Indeed!

NZ Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen briefs journalists on this year's Budget this morning.
Asked if this was his best, worst or perhaps just a middling sort of budget in today's lock-up press conference Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen responded: “Like my children I love them all equally, but not always simultaneously.” Like each of his four previous efforts, Dr Cullen’s Budget 2005 is a mixture of fiscal conservatism, thriftyness and guile tied up with a bunch of promises of future benefits if we can but see the wood for the trees. See... Sludge Report #167 - A Very Political Budget and Budget 2005 - Scoop Photo Essay

Cullen Details Key Points Of Budget 2005 - Budget 2005 delivers large increases in social spending together with significant cuts to business tax and a package to encourage New Zealanders to save, Finance Minister Michael Cullen said today. Dr Cullen said the budget continued the government’s commitment to maintaining a strong fiscal stance, supporting economic growth and building a fair and inclusive society. The savings and tax packages would encourage businesses and households to save and invest while the indexation of income tax thresholds from 1 April 2008 would give people a secure financial environment in which to plan. See... A budget for a more secure future

Prime Minister Says Budget Builds Strong Foundation - Prime Minister Helen Clark says Budget 2005 is another important step in building strong foundations for sustainable growth, making social investments, and helping New Zealanders build a stake in their country. See... Budget 2005: fair, responsible, inclusive

Scoop Photo-Essay: Budget Day In The Lock-Up - Locked in a Logans Run type environment for two hours, more than a hundred lucky people where given the guts of Budget 2005 by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Michael Cullen. See... Budget 2005 - Scoop Photo Essay

For the latest headlines and reaction see..

Scoop Budget 2005 Coverage Details - Scoop Media is providing extensive coverage throughout today on Finance Minister Michael Cullen's Budget 2005. Scoop co-editor Alastair Thompson and chief reporter Kevin List have been analyzing the detail and fine-print from within the Government's lock-up from mid-morning until early afternoon (May 19 2005). See... Scoop To Provide Extensive Coverage of Budget 2005

Budget 2005: KiwiSaver Represents Govt's Commitment To Retirement Savings - The creation of KiwiSaver complements the government's commitment to ensuring New Zealanders can enjoy a decent income when they retire, says Finance Minister Michael Cullen. See... A major advance for retirement savings

Budget 2005: Govt Announces Pro-Business Tax Suit - Budget 2005 reinforces the government’s commitment to economic growth, delivering a multi-million dollar suite of pro-business tax changes, Finance Minister Michael Cullen says. He said the package more than delivered on the government’s promise to recycle back to business any revenue received from the carbon charge. See… Multimillion dollar suite of pro-business tax cuts

Budget 2005: Home Ownership Within Grasp - "The Kiwi dream of owning your own home will be brought within the grasp of thousands more New Zealanders each year as a result of Budget 2005," says Housing Minister Steve Maharey. See... A hand up to home ownership

Budget 2005: Saving Package Designed To Help NZers To Save - "Budget 2005 will help New Zealanders to save, giving them greater security and choice and strengthening the economy," says Finance Minister Michael Cullen. See... Securing Your Future: budget savings package

Budget 2005: Health Budget Gets $969million Over Next 12 Months - The government’s commitment to effective and responsive health services for all New Zealanders is reflected in new budget spending of $969.7 million in 2005-06 and $4.09 billion over the next four years, Health Minister Annette King says. See… Vote Health the largest ever

RELATED LINKS:For the full text (when released) of the budget see...

For previous budgets see...
BUDGET 2004 - BUDGET 2003 - BUDGET 2002 - BUDGET 2001 & BUDGET 2000


C.D. Sludge
Asked if this was his best, worst or perhaps just a middling sort of budget in today's lock-up press conference Finance Minister Dr Michael Cullen responded: “Like my children I love them all equally, but not always simultaneously.” Like each of his four previous efforts, Dr Cullen’s Budget 2005 is a mixture of fiscal conservatism, thriftyness and guile tied up with a bunch of promises of future benefits if we can but see the wood for the trees. See... Sludge Report #167 - A Very Political Budget

Keith Ng
The 2005 Budget Lunch delivered few surprises and commentators agree that, while it was not the usual pre-election splurge of a Budget Lunch, it satisfied the needs of its key stakeholders with its close attention to detail and well-targeted programme...See… Keith Ng - 2005 Budget Lunch Special

Russell Brown
First, the government is now officially planning on a mid-September election. Second, this ought to be clear by now: Michael Cullen does not see tax relief as an end in itself, but as an overall policy instrument... See… Russell Brown - Budget Blog: Short Version

Peter Cresswell
Helen Clark is saying this morning that all the talk of tax cuts prior to the Budget announcement was the result of journalists interviewing their typewriters. "Tax cuts don't do much for low-income earners," said a Labour Prime Minister offering nothing ... See... Peter Cresswell: Budget, and Tsunami Aid

Other Media & Blogosphere
NZ Herald - Budget 2005: Big tax secret turns into damp squib Stuff - Years before Budget delivers Just Left (Labour) - A solid budget Frogblog (Greens) - Of-pumpkins-and-hip-hop-tours Hidesight (ACT) - Budget 2005 Not PC Blogspot - Fisking the Budget No Right Turn - Sir Humphreys - Budget failure for Government ... See... Budget 2005 News And Web Diary Links


Cullen Snaps Back At National Finance Spokesman - Finance Minister Michael Cullen today welcomed John Key’s acknowledgement that National would fund its tax cuts by cuts to spending, “probably including health and education.” See...
Cullen welcomes Key lines
  • Govt. - Funding boost for Antarctic work and education

  • Govt. - Healthcare Providers' CEO's comments bizarre

  • Govt. Cullen - Post Budget Speech

  • Govt. - Hodgson: Speech to Enrolled Nurse's Conference

  • Govt. - Prime Minister: Post budget speech 2005

  • Progressive - See... robson-on-politics Budget 2005

  • ACT - Liberty Belle

  • NZ First - Pathetic Response To Grave Situation

  • United Future - United Future Fingers All Over Budget Financials

  • National - Budget '05: Labour ignores justice needs

  • National - Transport increase barely covers exiting projects

  • National - Budget ‘05: Gone before it arrives

  • ACT - ACT launches tax petition after budget backlash

  • NZ First - This Election Is A Three Horse Race

  • National - Budget '05: Biosecurity funding more Labour spin


  • Don Brash - Budget ’05: Opportunity Lost For All NZers

  • Govt - Cullen Says Brash in mire

  • Govt - Cullen welcomes Key lines

  • Govt - Healthcare Providers' CEO's comments bizarre

  • Parliamentary Reaction:
  • National - Transport increase barely covers exiting projects

  • National - Budget ‘05: Gone before it arrives

  • National - Budget 2005: Insult to working NZers

  • National - Budget 2005: Police Get Too Little, Too Late

  • National - Budget ‘05: Opportunity Lost For NZers

  • National - Budget 2005: Poor Health Legacy Continues

  • National - Education bureaucracy big Budget winner

  • Progressive Party
  • Progressives - Economic growth supported by whole of government

  • Progressives - Don't turn the clock back with National

  • Progressives - Building the conditions for economic growth

  • Greens
  • Greens - Budget 2005 - Rod Donald MP, Green Party Co-Leader

  • Greens – Greens agnostic on Budget

  • The Maori Party
  • Maori Party - ‘Visionless Budget Punishes Treaty Partner’

  • NZ First
  • NZ First - Cullen Budget “The Revenge Of The Nerd”

  • NZ First - Budget Blues for Schools

  • NZ First - Who is the Weakest Link?

  • NZ First - Budget Just Dampening Down Hot Spots In Education

  • ACT
  • ACT - Liberty Belle

  • ACT - Cullen’s Budget a sick joke

  • ACT - ACT spokesmen respond to the Budget

  • United Future
  • United - Copeland: UF helps people into their first homes

  • United - United Future’s focus on families pays dividends

  • United - Law and order: Good start, but think smarter

  • United - Copeland pleased with tax bracket changes

  • United - Literacy, numeracy, schools: all in UF's checklist

  • United - Copeland: UF helps people into their first homes

  • United - UF's $27.7m to get beneficiaries back to work

  • United - Health: Good direction; more needed

  • United - Dunne on Budget: breaking the tax logjam

  • United - Dunne: UF delivers $300m Budget package

  • United - Housing funding needs to target first home buyers

  • United - Alexander: Elderly care funding to survive

  • Non Parliamentary Political Reaction:
  • Advance NZ - Cullen's 'Bodge it' Budget

  • Libertarianz - Cullen's Super-socialistic Budget is Atrocious

  • Health Sector Reaction:
  • Breast Cancer Action Trust - Vulnerable Cancer Patients Treated As Low Priority

  • Medical Association - Budget boost for medical students welcomed

  • Age Concern - Elder Abuse & Neglect Prevention funding welcomed

  • Medical Students' Assn - Medical students commend increase in Intern grant

  • Plunket - Budget 2005 delivers small package for families

  • Nurses Organisation - Govt. fails to live up to its promise on aged-care

  • Healthcare Providers - No Budget Money For Providers Of Residential Care

  • Education Sector Reaction:
  • ITF - Real budget for industry training in June

  • Kindergartens - Children the winners says NZ Kindergartens

  • Quality Public Education Coalition - QPEC - Education the Big Loser in 2005 Budget - QPEC

  • Auckland University Students Association - Budget all Fizz, No Bang for Students

  • Association of University Staff - University staff call for more investment

  • Early Childhood Council - ECE Funding Increase Welcomed

  • NZUSA - Budget improvements won’t tackle student debt

  • ATSA - Budget message loud and clear.

  • OUSA - Students express disappointment at meagre budget

  • Vice Chancellors' Committee - University Investment Welcomed

  • AUS - AUS Tertiary Update

  • UCSA - Canterbury Students to Burn Budget

  • NZSTA - Trustees disappointed in govt. funding response

  • NZEI - NZEI Te Riu Roa Gives Budget 6 Out Of 10

  • OPSA - Labour adds 'Parent Debt' to graduate-debt crisis

  • Student Job Search - Changes to student allowance threshold welcomed

  • Union Reaction:
  • Council of Trade Unions - Budget covers the main bases - CTU

  • Engineering Printing and Manufacturing Union - KiwiSaver good for workers, says union

  • Nurses Organisation - Govt. fails to live up to its promise on aged-care

  • Business Sector Reaction:
  • Russell Investments - Russell Investment Group Budget Commentary

  • Infometrics - Overdoing the gloom

  • BNZ - BNZ Weekly Overview - The Week Gone By

  • Staples Rodway - Government misses prime opportunity says expert

  • AMP - Budget initiatives 'a great start', says AMP

  • Maxim Institute - Budget fails to recognise top teachers

  • New Zealand Business Roundtable - Over-Spending and Over-Taxing Stifling Growth

  • Federated Farmers Budget: Minister Highlights Federation's Argument

  • Federated Farmers - Government Listens To Federated Farmers

  • Business New Zealand - Budget – a great lost opportunity

  • Employers and Manufacturers Association Northern - Timid Budget

  • Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce - Chamber Welcomes Funding for Trade Agreement Negot

  • NZ Council for Infrastructure Development - Land transport budget increase business as usual

  • Auckland Chamber - A Budget to Manage Downturn, Not Lock-In Growth

  • Wellington Chamber - Wgtn Regional Chamber of Commerce Welcomes Budget

  • Spicers - Kiwisaver Scheme Fails to Address Savings Problem

  • ITF - Real budget for industry training in June

  • Federated Farmers - Budget Disappoints On Local Government

  • Newmarket Business Association - Dr Cullen Delivers Two-Finger Salute To Business

  • Other Reaction
  • World Vision - Budget: Could do better says World Vision head

  • Glenfield Ratepayers - Budget Gives to Business But Not to Ratepayers

  • Save The Children - Budget Is Hit And Miss For Children

  • NZCCSS - Budget – Must Be An Election Year

  • Maxim - Budget fails to recognise top teachers

  • Salvation Army - Sallies Say BUDGET 05 is Promising & Disappointing

  • Council for International Development - Aid budget increase won’t meet our promises

  • Caritas - Budget 2005: Hits and Misses

  • Automobile Association - Good and Bad News for Motorists in Budget

  • NZBio - NZBio congratulates the Government

  • ACRI - Sustained investment in science supports wealth

  • Te Mana Akonga - Budget 2005: Nothing for Maori

  • NZ On Air - More to Spend on Broadcasting

  • Auckland Museum - Budget money for Auckland Museum welcomed

  • Wellington City Council - Council welcomes Budget housing allocation

  • Manukau City Council - Manukau Libraries in Line With NZ Digital Strategy

  • North Shore City - Extra Police resources great news, says Mayor

    (Note see also pre-budget announcements below)

    The Budget Speech
    Budget 2005: Cullen Full Speech Notes - I move, that the Appropriation (2005/06 Estimates) Bill be now read a second time. Budget 2005 is about securing the future. Securing the future for the nation as a whole and securing the future for New Zealand families and New Zealanders individually. See...
    Budget 2005 Michael Cullen Speech (Full Speech)

    Leaders Statements
  • Helen Clark - Budget 2005: fair, responsible, inclusive

  • Govt. - Budget Summary: Budget 2005 at a glance

  • Govt - Budget 2005: Promoting opportunity

  • Govt - Budget 2005: Making New Zealand safe

  • Govt - Budget 05-Protecting NZ's environment and heritage

  • Economy
  • Govt - Multimillion dollar suite of pro-business tax cuts

  • Govt - Boost for sustainable business practice

  • Govt - $100 million focus on jobs

  • Govt - Anderton - Building capability into the economy

  • Govt - Securing Your Future: questions and answers

  • Govt - KiwiSaver indicative balances

  • Govt - Income tax inflation indexed from 1 April 2008

  • Education
  • Govt - More teachers and funding for schools

  • Govt - Investment in technology in schools nears $60m

  • Govt - Quality in education critical to Mâori success

  • Govt - Effective schools funding rises to $28.5 million

  • Govt - Investing in early childhood education

  • Govt - Increased support for tertiary students

  • Govt - $44.6m for apprentices and industry skills

  • Govt - Budget: 2005: Tertiary Overview

  • Welfare
  • Govt - A sure start for children in need

  • Health
  • Govt - Older people’s needs recognised in budget

  • Govt - $71 million boost for residential aged care

  • Govt - $19.4m for injury treatment and rehabilitation

  • Govt - $59 million for disability support services

  • Govt - Government honours pledge to pay nurses fairly

  • Govt - Low cost health care visits for 18 to 24 year olds

  • Housing
  • Govt - $22.6 million of new funding for building services

  • Govt - Housing increase targets those in need

  • Govt - A hand up to home ownership

  • Law, Order & Security
  • Govt - $3 million towards global disarmament

  • Govt - Enhanced security for overseas posts

  • Govt - $156.5 million to ease Courts, justice pressures

  • Govt - Record police resources deliver record results

  • Research, Growth And Innovation Framework
  • Govt - $204 million boost for innovation

  • Govt - Boost for sustainable business practice

  • Art, Culture And Sport
  • Government boosts biosecurity again

  • Govt - $30 million boost for public broadcasting

  • Govt - Volunteers and regions get sport boost

  • Trade and Foreign Affairs
  • Govt - Funding boost for Antarctic work and education

  • Govt - Trade negotiations strength boosted

  • Govt - Increasing NZ's overseas aid

  • Govt - Government keeps Asian relations to fore

  • Other Stuff - Maori, State Sector, Local Govt
  • Govt - Tamihere Address: To Maori Leaders at AUT Forum

  • Govt - Realising Mâori potential

  • Govt - Minister for Ethnic Affairs

  • Govt - $8.9 million budget boost for tourism

  • Govt - $300 million more for land transport


    Every Child Counts Org Identifies Key Budget Expectations - With Budget 2005 set to be delivered this afternoon, Every Child Counts has identified some key initiatives that would improve the status of New Zealand children and contribute to sustainable social and economic development. “The Budget is a unique opportunity for the Government to resource programmes that will make a measurable difference to children, and to New Zealand’s future,” says Every Child Counts spokesperson Murray Edridge. See... Hopes that Budget 2005 will make every child count
  • Govt - Budget 2005: Greater Choice For Working Parents

  • Govt - Parenting Programme To Reduce Separation Stress

  • Nats - Parenting courses pale imitation of Don Brash plan

  • ACT - Shared parenting, not $6m, the answer


  • Protection for Antarctica's history and artefacts

  • Support boosted for arts and heritage organisation

  • Budget 2005: Greater choice for working parents

  • Funding boost to help released inmates

  • Treaty exhibition to tour

  • Parenting programme to reduce separation stress

  • Digital Strategy Launched

  • One stop online access to cultural information

  • Budget 2005: Biz portal to lift business

  • Budget 2005: The Digital Strategy

  • Budget 2005: $11m crackdown on paua poachers

  • Labour's Vision for Early Childhood Education

  • Budget 05: Home equity protection for older NZers

  • New plant access to NZ to be improved

  • Research consortia investment hits $250 million

  • Scholarships for early childhood teacher training

  • Opportunities for Sickness and Invalid's

  • BUDGET 2005: Reducing demand for drugs

  • Budget 05: Enhancing liquor licensing enforcement

  • Budget 2005: National depression awareness funding

  • Budget 2005 to focus on long game

  • Restoring confidence in communication centres

  • More resources to improve occupational health

  • Budget 2005 - New legal aid criteria

  • Tertiary savings scheme development

  • Budget 2005: $2m for Hauraki Is conservation work

  • $136.9 million to ensure clean drinking water

  • Budget 2005: $4.4M for community TV and radio

  • Budget 2005: $2.7m to double Fulbrights

  • Carbon Tax - Questions And Answers

  • Hodgson: Carbon Tax announcement

  • Government adds detail to 2002 carbon tax policy

  • $4.45 million for carbon tax mitigation

  • Budget 2005: $17 million for extra cataract ops

  • Tax changes to reduce costs of business

  • Government continues support for Kiwi films

  • Budget 2005: $1.8 million for Work-life Balance

  • Budget 2005: IT system to boost consular work

  • Budget 2005: Paid parental leave to self-employed

  • Budget '05: $12mn for children witnessing Violence


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