Call For Interest From Artists
Christchurch City Council is calling for expressions of interest from artists interested in working on casual projects with City Streets, Parks and Leisure Units. Projects will entail the design of functional artworks and street furniture for Christchurch's city streets and parks.
The Council is setting up a database of artists interested in this area of work. The database will then be used as a starting point to source artists for future work in the design of functional atrworks and street furniture.
Expressions of interest and CVs should be sent to Arts Advisers, Christchurch City Council Leisure, PO Box 237, Christchurch 1. The closing date for submissions is Friday 20 October.
For more information contact:
Christchurch City Council Leisure Arts Advisers:
Warren Pringle Ph 03 371-8886
Rhonda Thomson Ph 03 372-2413
Sam Fisher, Corporate Communication Co-ordinator Christchurch City Council 03 371-1762 025 229 3552