Remediation decision for Rakaia Rise
4 December 2000
Remediation decision for Rakaia Rise
Manukau City Council has endorsed on-site remediation as the preferred management option for bulk asbestos containing material (ACM) affecting five properties and a shared accessway in the Rakaia Rise area.
This option entails the excavation and redistribution of bulk ACM across the affected properties to avoid the need for off-site disposal. At least 1m of clean soil will used to cap the sites resulting in changes to existing ground levels and the need to recontour the gully. Landscaping and re-planting will be decided after consultation with affected property owners.
The special circumstances of the affected properties, including the nature and volume of bulk ACM and the need to remediate all the sites at the same time, means Council is willing to assist affected residents with all reasonable costs.
A report by the consulting engineers, URS New Zealand Ltd, outlining on-site remediation says this option is an accepted and established remediation strategy to manage potential health risks. Council will implement controls and a long-term site management plan to ensure future uncontrolled disturbance of the material doesn’t occur.
Work is expected to begin in the 2000/2001 summer, subject to the issuing of necessary consents.
Media Contact:
Gabrielle Hinton
Liaison Support Officer
Ph: 09 2637100 x 8650
Fax: 09