Artwork celebrates Christchurch-Adelaide relations
New artwork celebrates Christchurch-Adelaide
Two new sculptures in the Adelaide Sister City Garden, Halswell Quarry Park are to be officially unveiled by Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore and Adelaide City Councillor Bob Angove on Monday 18 November at 11am.
The Spheres by Adelaide artist, Karen Genoff were commissioned by the Christchurch-Adelaide Sister City Committee in association with the Art & Industry Biennial Trust. They will act as entrance markers to the Adelaide Garden – one of six Sister City Gardens at Halswell Quarry Park.
Made from bronze, the 600mm spheres feature inlaid eucalypt pods, collected from two Adelaide parks - Adelaide Park and Linear Park. They are mounted on plinths and are designed to be touched.
The project, which signifies the sister city relationship between Christchurch and Adelaide is seen as the first stage of a public art exchange between the two cities. It is anticipated that in the future a Christchurch artist will make a public artwork for Adelaide.
The Spheres were inspired by Genoff’s experience of growing up in Adelaide’s suburbs with its abundance of parks and gardens. She also sees them as marking the entrance to a wirra – the Kaurna word for bush. The Kaurna people lived on the forest plains where Adelaide now stands.
Genoff says the markers aim to capture something of the beauty, geometry and symmetry of two particularly striking eucalypts, Eucalyptus erythrocorys and Eucalyptus cornuta. While these trees are not strictly indigenous to Adelaide they are abundantly planted around the city, where they attract many native birds.
.The Adelaide Sister City Garden is one of six gardens being developed at Halswell Quarry Park to represent the special character and beauty of Christchurch’s sister cities, which include Adelaide (South Australia), Christchurch (England), Gansu Province (China), Kurashiki (Japan), Seattle (USA) and Songpa Gu (Seoul, Korea)
The Christchurch-Adelaide Sister City Committee acknowledges the support of the Christchurch City Council Parks and Waterways Unit in installing The Spheres at Halswell Quarry Park. The project was also made possible with support from Art & Industry Biennial Trust, Arts South Australia and Adelaide City Council.
A three person delegation from Adelaide, headed by Cr Angove will attend the Monday unveiling including artist, Karen Genoff and Jack Mazek, senior environment officer with the Adelaide City Council. During their three day visit, the delegation will also be involved in discussions on issues such as employment initiatives, waste management and sister city relationships.