Pool Safe Rap CD Produced in Manukau
Pool Safe Rap CD Produced in Manukau
Manukau City Council has released a "Keep Your Kids Safe” rap CD to heighten awareness of supervision requirements for children in public pools.
The CD has been developed by Manukau City Council tutors and staff and recorded at the Otara Music Arts Centre . Sonny Khusal who is a tutor at the Otara Music Arts Centre arranged and produced the music. He won first prize in the 2000 Open Amateur Original Contemporary Talent Quest. His brother Hayden wrote the lyrics and performed the rap.
The pool safe message is also produced on the CD in Samoan and Cook Island Maori.
Leisure Marketing Co-ordinator Philip Dobson says, "We hope the media, churches, schools and community groups will air the CD to help get the Keep Your Kids Safe message across to our youth and the community.
“Manukau City has a very diverse range of communities and cultures and Council is exploring different ways to engage with our communities. Maori and Polynesian communication methods are historically aural and our staff were enthusiastic to do something different to reach these audiences".
Other initiatives put in place to raise water
safety awareness include new internal signage, fridge
magnets, newly designed lifeguard towers, more distinctive
lifeguard uniforms and the continuation of water safety
ambassadors at Manukau City Council