Foreshore land not owned by City Council
Media Release
7 October, 2003
Foreshore land not owned by City Council
Christchurch City Council does not own the foreshore land between the properties located on Main Road at Redcliffs and the Estuary, according to legal advice, says Peter Mitchell, the Council’s Director of Legal Services.
Under the Resource Management Act, however, anyone building on this land requires a coastal permit from Environment Canterbury (ECan) for use of land on the sea side of the high tide line and also needs a land use consent from Christchurch City Council for use of the area inland from the high tide line.
Uncertainty about the need for a
City Council consent arose when a Main Road property owner
built a grassed area over the foreshore.
retrospective consent from ECan was applied for and a
hearing held in May. The hearing commissioner, Mr Batty,
asked the City Council if another consent was
The Council has done a survey of the area to determine property boundaries and the location of the high tide line. This has confirmed the need for a land use consent from the City Council in terms of the transitional city plan.
“Once an application for a resource consent has been received Christchurch City Council will decide whether the consent application needs to be publicly notified,” says Mr Mitchell. “The Council will appoint Mr Batty as commissioner and this application will be brought up to the same stage as the ECan hearing so then the two applications can be dealt with together.”