Our Future Auckland
8 December 2005
Our Future Auckland
Auckland city's community outcomes, the things the community think are important for their well-being, were announced last night by the Mayor of Auckland city Dick Hubbard at the launch of Our Future Auckland, a new document that sets out the 21 outcomes.
The council has carried out an extensive consultation process including surveys, focus groups, public submissions and meetings with community organisations, Maori and interest groups to identify the community outcomes.
"The publication of Our Future Auckland is a significant milestone. It marks the start of a journey and working with other groups and organisations more collaboratively to achieve our community's aspirations," said Auckland city's Mayor, Dick Hubbard.
"Community outcomes belong to everyone in Auckland city, so we all have a part to play in working towards their achievement for the benefit of our city."
An important part of the process after identifying the community outcomes, was to ask Aucklanders to rate the relative priority of achieving each of them. The six outcomes considered to be of the highest priority are:
1. Auckland is safe 2. Aucklanders have real transport choices 3. Auckland is interesting and enjoyable 4. Aucklanders are healthy 5. Auckland is beautiful and clean 6. Aucklanders have the right work skills.
Auckland City will use the community outcomes to help shape strategic priorities for the city set out in the long-term council community plan (LTCCP) 2006 - 2016 to be published in June next year.
The LTCCP will also outline how Auckland City will work with other local and regional organisations, Maori, central and local government, and the private sector to make progress on achieving the community outcomes.
"Community outcomes are a part of the vision we share for our city," said Mr Hubbard. "The council will be able to align what we do in the city to these outcomes to ensure we are doing the right things.
"We are encouraging others to play an active role in helping to achieve these outcomes by doing the same with their strategic planning," said Mr Hubbard
"We all have a role to play in our homes, local communities and town centres, work and day-to-day lives to make sure they become a reality."
Auckland City Council has a responsibly under the Local Government Act 2002 to identify these community outcomes and address them in its long-term plans.
Copies of Our Future Auckland can
be obtained by calling (09) 379 2020 or by visiting
www.aucklandcity.govt.nz ENDS