Cleaning stations in Waitaki to stop Didymo spread
December 22, 2006
Cleaning stations in Waitaki to stop the spread of Didymo
Cleaning stations will be set up in the Waitaki Valley to help prevent the spread of the invasive alga didymo.
The cleaning stations which will be at key entry and exit points to the Waitaki river system, will be in place for the summer holiday period.
The stations will consist of three drums; 5% detergent solution with water, 5% saline solution with water and a drum of fresh water for rinsing in order to help river users clean any of their equipment which has been in contact with the river.
The first cleaning stations will be set up at Kurow, Wairepo Road in Twizel, Omarama and at the Waitaki River mouth. The local communities will help set them up and maintain them.
This is an initiative of Environment Canterbury, Fish and Game New Zealand, Department of Conservation and Meridian Energy with support from Biosecurity New Zealand.
All the agencies are reinforcing the CHECK, CLEAN, DRY message, asking all river users to thoroughly clean any equipment which has been in any rivers, especially removing any algae or vegetation from equipment before moving to another river.