WHANGAREI Police - Missing Man And Children
WHANGAREI Police - Missing Man And Children
WHANGAREI Police are conducting an investigation into the current whereabouts of James TOBY, a 54 year old male Maori, in relation to a domestic incident at Onerahi at 10.30 p.m. on Sunday the 4th November 2007.
TOBY left his home address after a physical altercation with adults there. He took with him his two infant children aged 3 years and 18 months. He left the address in the following vehicle:
YW3322, a White Nissan Pulsar Hatch-back, 1991 model
He and the children have not been seen or heard from since.
Fears are held for the safety of two infant children in that vehicle and Police advise that he should not be approached.
Anyone with information relating to this matter should contact the officer in charge of the case, Detective Kelly PENNEY of the WHANGAREI Police urgently.
Media please contact Mrs Sarah KENNET, Communications Officer, NORTHLAND Police District from 1700 hrs 05/11/07 on 027 494 1214.
Detective Kelly
O/C Case