Clive Bridge to Ngaruroro Bridge Pathway to Start
Media Release 19 November 2008
Clive Bridge to Ngaruroro
Bridge Pathway to Start
Work will begin at the end of
this week work on the final river crossing connection
between the Napier pathway and the Hastings
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has finalised a contract for the work to be completed before the summer holiday period.
The 1.9km connection is around the confluence of the Clive River and Ngaruroro River alongside the Hohepa Farm. It will be a lime sand path predominantly on top of stopbank and take about 2 weeks to complete.
“Once it’s completed people will be able to travel between River Road at the foot of Te Mata Peak to the Sport Sea Fishing Club at Ahuriri, a 30km trip, completely off road,” said Regional Council Design Engineer, Neil Daykin, who is supervising construction.
The new pathway will loop under both ends of the bridge at Clive and go through the boat ramp reserve near the Clive Bridge. Hastings District Council will be upgrading the carpark area at the boat ramp.
Nearby there is a new BMX track constructed by the Clive community group for local children, and the start point for the new horse trail alongside the pathway to River Road.