Passing lane closures again this Labour weekend
21 October 2009
Passing lane closures again this Labour weekend
NZTA will be closing its SH1 passing lanes along SH1 again this Labour Weekend.
With traffic expected to be heavy on this long weekend, NZTA will be closing the northbound passing lanes at Waikanae and Te Horo from midday Friday, 23 October, closing the central lane. This leaves a gap between north and southbound motorists.
Wellington State Highways Manager Rob Whight says this is done for safety purposes and follows the “keep left” road rules.
“The lanes will be appropriately signposted and coned off, but we’re reminding people to obey the normal road rules by keeping left.”
The Waikanae and Te Horo passing lanes will be reopened on Saturday afternoon at a time appropriate to the traffic flows. This would roughly be 3.00-4.00pm.
Meanwhile, on Monday, 26 October NZTA will close the southbound passing lane north of Otaki. It will be reopened at about 9.00pm depending on traffic flows. If traffic remains heavy, passing lanes will be closed earlier or remain closed longer until NZTA is satisfied it is practical to reopen them.
Mr Whight says the public often express concern that closing the passing lanes causes congestion, however, NZTA experience demonstrates benefits for both traffic flow and safety.
“Closing the passing lanes produces a steadier flow of single lane traffic and reduces the number of vehicles trying to get one car length ahead during a busy period on the road. By keeping people in one steady stream we also reduce the potential for accidents at the merge of the passing lanes.”
Mr Whight says these closures are routine and are supported by the Police.