Lock up your car
Title: Lock up your car
With several big events on the city calendar, concerts and Christmas functions, it's timely to remind people about removing any temptations for someone to break in to your vehicle.
Senior Sergeant Philip Dean says that if you're leaving your vehicle in town first make sure you park it legally and in as well lit a place as possible, with plenty of foot traffic.
"If the public are walking past often offenders are less likely to break into a vehicle," he says. "Lock tempting items away out of sight in the boot before you park your car if you have to leave it; you never know who is watching an area. Don't just cover things or hide them under the seat, someone will see them; it's too inviting."
Items recently listed as stolen from vehicles include handbags, Ipods, cell phones, sports gear, sunglasses, cash, cameras, makeup and clothing. With Christmas next month, shopping will also become a prime target.
"All these items are very tempting for someone to steal and sell on, they're usually small enough too to easily carry."
Senior Sergeant Dean advises to check you've locked your car, wound up the windows and put on any alarm you might have before you leave it.
"If you are off to Christmas in the Park, Pearl Jam, the Christmas Parade or a function, use all the security you can muster."
Better still, he advises, leave your vehicle at home and catch a bus or taxi especially if you are going to be drinking - and have a great night out.