14 intoxicated drivers caught in one night
Title: 14 intoxicated drivers caught in one night
The Road Policing Manager for Central District, Inspector Neil Wynne is both shocked and appalled by the number of drunk drivers found during an operation on Friday night - particularly in Palmerston North.
Staff from the Traffic Alcohol Group initially started work in Wanganui and then joined others in Palmerston North working through until 4am on Saturday.
There were 8 staff in 8 cars and they incorporated a checkpoint between midnight and 3am outside Highfliers in Palmerston North. Throughout the evening more than 1,000 drivers were tested and 14 of those were positive and will now be going to court. During other operations this year the highest number of excess breath alcohol cases (EBAs) in one night has been 8.
One of the motorists caught was in Wanganui, 1 in Marton, 1 in Feilding and 11 from Palmerston North.
Inspector Neil Wynne, said: "I am absolutely appalled that the death and destruction we are seeing on our roads every day still isn't hitting home and that some people still think it is OK to put their lives and the lives of others at risk. It is not OK!
"Last week it was reported in the press that Central District has recorded its highest road death toll since 2001 and has had more fatal crashes than any other district in the country. The contributing factor of many of those crashes was alcohol, and yet just days after that media report we find 14 intoxicated drivers in a matter of hours.
"It's shocking to find such blatant disregard. Christmas is just around the corner and I for one don't want any more families in this district, or in this country, spending their holidays grieving for a loved one."