Outdoor Enthusiasts Reminded To Be Vigilant
Outdoor Enthusiasts Reminded To Be Vigilant Over Summer.
Environment Canterbury is reminding those heading into the outdoors for the holiday period to be aware of changing weather conditions and take care when camping, especially if their site is near a river.
Natural hazards officer Phil Lees says that people need to be aware that conditions in the region can change very quickly, and if people are camping near rivers, they should avoid sites that may be easily flooded by the river or stream.
“If you are going to an area you are not familiar with, check out potential campsites carefully. If persistent, heavy rain occurs people should consider evacuating the site,” says Mr Lees.
“While the weather may be hot and sunny on the plains, heavy nor’west rain can be falling on the main divide and our large rivers like the Waimakariri, Rakaia and Rangitata can very quickly become swollen with floodwaters. December and January is often a time when these conditions occur. “People need to keep a close eye on weather forecasts if they are recreating in or near any of our larger rivers.”
“It may take anywhere from one hour to several days for water levels to rise. We want people to enjoy their summer but we also want them to stay safe as well.”
For more about the latest rain and river flows call the Environment Canterbury 24 Hour River Report info line, 0900 RIVER (74837). Charges do apply.
You can also check out river levels on our website, http://ecan.govt.nz/SERVICES/ONLINE-SERVICES/MONITORING/Pages/Default.aspx