Mayor releases compelling business case for rail loop
Mayor releases compelling business case for rail loop
The Mayor today released a business case for the underground CBD rail link that highlights major economic and transport benefits for Auckland.
The independently prepared business case investigates the economic viability of a tunnel that would improve rail links into the city. It would include three stations at key locations to ensure most of the central business district is no further than 500 metres from any CBD station.
A variety of alternatives were considered as part of the business case, including improving bus capacity, an expanded Britomart rail station, and a central city bus tunnel with three stations.
“The report ranks the rail link highest for cost effectiveness and impact because of the way it would unlock unused capacity across the whole rail network,” says Len Brown. “The link would double the number of trains that can go through Britomart, let Aucklanders get around the region more easily, and reduce congestion on our roads. The report can’t be ignored.”
“The potential urban redevelopment and additional growth derived from investment in this infrastructure would make the project transformational not just for Auckland, but for New Zealand as a whole.”
The report suggests there is a strong case for proceeding with three stages of the project immediately.
Those stages are protecting the route; the funding of the protection process; and further investigation of funding the tunnel itself.
Within two years, the report also highlights, most of the useable train paths in and out of Britomart will be in use, providing virtually no room to add future services.
This comes as road congestion intensifies and Auckland’s population continues to grow.
Without the link, the CBD would require twin or triple bus lanes in both directions on most road corridors, says the report.
“The rail link is quite possibly the most critical element in Auckland’s transformation into a globally competitive urban centre, and this report confirms that,” says Len Brown.