Christchurch: BZP raid on retail shop
Location: Christchurch
District: Canterbury
Today Christchurch Police terminated a long
term operation that has focussed on the illegal supply of
the Class C controlled drug Benzylpiperazine, commonly known
as BZP, from a Christchurch retail shop.
The operation disclosed significant supply of the drug being sold under the guise of a legal herbal product.
Approximately 50 Police staff have been involved today in the execution of 10 search warrants. This included searches of a central Christchurch retail shop, three lock-up storage units and several dwellings.
Police have recovered thousands of capsules believed to contain BZP and a substantial quantity of stolen property, some of which appears to have been traded for the supply of the drug. Much of this property is believed to have been shoplifted.
Eight persons have been arrested and charged with various drug possession and supply offences and other charges relating to receiving stolen property. They will be appearing before the Christchurch Courts over the next few days.