Where can I get a shower?
Where can I get a shower?
If you come across Rhythm and Vines campers desperate for a good shower this holiday season point them towards Bright Street.
The Bright Street Toilets and Showers will be open from 7am till 4pm daily between 27 and 31 December to accommodate our extra visitors to town. A shower costs $2.00 and they can even hire a towel for $1.50 and a locker for 50c.
The showers are closed over New Year and will reopen reopen 8.30am - 5pm on Wed 5 January.
With thousands of visitors making the
most of the district over the next month it is important
that locals can be good hosts. They should be able to point
out where visitors can always find a toilet open if you
meet one who is 'busting'. One toilet in the Bright street
complex is always open as are the toilets in Derby Street,
Peel Street, Balance St Village, Elgin Shopping Centre, at
the Grey Street i-site, Kaiti Mall and Lytton West Shopping
Centre. All the beaches close to town have 24 hour toilets
including Wainui at the Stock Route and the Surf Club, Kaiti
Beach and Midway and at Waikanae Beach Surf Clubs. The
Adventure Playground, Anzac Park, Roebuck Reserve, Botanical
Gardens and Marina Park also have toilets always open.
report blocked toilets or maintenance issues call Council's
24 hour customer service desk 867 2049 to action.
A full list of the district's public toilet facilities can be found on Council's website. http://wwwgdc.govt.nz/public-toilets/