Key Council meeting for 10-Year Plan
Key Council meeting for 10-Year Plan
15 August 2011
Hamilton’s rating system review, changes to fees and charges, spending on future projects, the city’s assets and investments, including housing for older people will all come under scrutiny by Council this week.
The Extraordinary Council meeting on Thursday 18 August is the third of eight being held between June and November which will provide guidance and direction for the drafting of the Council’s draft 10-Year Plan for 2012-22.
Feedback from Council’s pre-consultation exploring a Capital Value (CV) rating system as opposed to the current Land Value (LV) based system will be considered. This showed most favoured a change to a CV rating system as it was fairer and more equitable.
Councillors will be asked to consider a recommendation that formal consultation with residents be undertaken in September around the adoption of a CV rating system. The recommendation includes the introduction of CV over five years, the retention of rural differentials, additional rating support for the CBD, and a targeted rate for water and rubbish.
Progress and ideas around changes to fees and charges to increase revenue in the areas of regulatory services, water and trade waste services and swimming, which could return three quarters of the $2.5m revenue target in this area will also be considered.
Spending on projects around the city which are currently on the books, and new projects which have come forward as part of developing this year’s 2011/12 Annual Plan will also be scrutinised to see if they should be removed, or advanced for further investigation.
Also being discussed will be Council’s assets, endowment funds, and property, including its stock of housing for older people. Councillors will be providing guidance on which assets should be evaluated for sale, with the money used to fund future projects for the city, or to reduce debt.
Council will be seeking the public’s views and feedback on a number of areas being discussed. This will help inform their decision making and the preparation of the draft 10-Year Plan. The draft Plan will be available for the public to formally have their say from March 2012.
Mayor Julie Hardaker says: “There are some weighty items up for discussion at what is a very significant meeting in developing our 10-Year Plan, with the big item on this agenda the proposal to change the rating system to Capital Value.
“We have been talking to different groups in our community to get their views on this and the other items on the agenda, and there will be plenty of opportunities for people to have their say as Council works through these tough decisions.”