New Wanaka Police Station One Step Closer
New Wanaka Police Station One Step Closer
An intention to create a shared space for both police and the community is one of the key drivers in planning for Wanaka's new police station.
The construction of the new police station is one step closer with Police National Headquarters signing off the concept design last week.
The flexible, internal design outlines a building with 500 metres square of floor space and accommodation for 18 Wanaka Police staff.
"The new station will be very functional and allow for the future growth of the community of Wanaka and surrounds. As well as an operational centre for local police, including PoliceSAR and special operations activities, it will also be an excellent facility for use by LandSAR," said Wanaka Sub-Area Commander, Senior Sergeant Allan Grindell.
"With the enormous population growth in the Wanaka area over the past decade, a new future-proofed police station will be a fantastic asset for both police and the community," he said.
The building's custodial facilities will include secure prisoner transfer into short-term holding facilities, a charge room, EBA (excess breath alcohol) facilities, video interview rooms and a medical examination room. It will be code compliant for people with disabilities and have secure parking for operational vehicles. The building will also have stand-alone capabilities for up to 48 hours with features such as potable water and back-up power supply.
Designed by architect Niko Young of Parker Warburton Team Architects, the building's design has a non-institutional feel and reflects the local landscape.
The proposed station site is currently owned by the Department of Conservation and the process to transfer the land to NZ Police is underway. The proposed site is on Ballantyne Road close to the Department of Conservation Visitor Centre.
The resource consent application will be lodged with Queenstown Lakes District Council within the next few weeks.
Subject to approval processes and construction progress, it's hoped that the new station will be operational by late next year.
Members of the local community will have an opportunity to learn more about the project and view the concept design plans at an information station exhibition to be held in the Faulks Room, Wanaka Town Centre on Saturday 3 September between 11 and 2pm.