Rating Review Consultation Underway
Rating Review Consultation Underway
9 SEPTEMBER 2011 For Immediate Release
Around 51,000 letters are this week being sent to Hamilton property owners, outlining Council’s proposal to change Hamilton’s rating system, as well as giving information about how their rates could change.
Consultation on the proposal to change from a land based rating system to capital value (CV) opened on 1 September and runs until 12 October when submissions close.
The proposal to move to CV, which would be phased in over 5 years from 1 July 2012, also includes a change to the way water and rubbish are charged; simplification of the current system of variable rates; and the introduction of a new rate to support businesses in the central city.
A range of communication is being used to ensure Hamilton property owners and other residents understand what is proposed and to encourage them to have their say over the 6 week consultation period.
In addition to letters to property owners, there will be three public meetings on 14, 19 and 26 September and a two page newspaper advertisement outlining the proposal.
Summary and full information about the proposal, along with an online submission form and rating calculator, showing the impact of the proposal on individual properties, is available at http://getinvolved.hcc.govt.nz/ratingreview Deputy Chief Executive Blair Bowcott says: “The proposal to change our city’s rating system is significant for many in the city and we are expecting many submissions. I would encourage people to take the time to learn about what is proposed, and then let us know what they think.”