Remember the rhyme and save a fine
Remember the rhyme and save a fine message from Hamilton
red light runner operation
To save a fine, remember
the rhyme is the message from Hamilton Police into their
second day of a red light runner operation targeted at
reducing the number of intersection crashes in the City.
Acting Sergeant Steve Jones of the Hamilton Strategic Traffic Unit said Operation Red Eye will be running over August and aimed to reduce the number of intersection crashes of which 184 happened in the City's 50km/h zone between 2007 and 2011.
"Intersection crashes account for about 70 per cent of our attendances each year and a lot of these are as a result of people failing to stop for red lights or at controlled intersections.
"Last year a vehicle failing to stop for a red light at the intersection of Kent and Hall Streets in Frankton led to the death of an 84-year-old driver. Over our survey period of 2007-2011 12 people suffered serious injuries while 49 suffered minor harm in crashes of a similar nature."
Police working with the Hamilton City Council and NZTA have identified the intersections of most concern and Mr Jones said Police would be concentrating on these and other intersections to improve driver behaviour.
Those intersections are;
Mill/Wlloughby; eight crashes
Mill/Tristram; seven
Tristram/Ward; seven crashes
Aroha; six crashes
Tristram/Bryce; six crashes
Victoria/Boundary; five crashes
Ulster/Mill; four
"It's not all about issuing tickets, it's about modifying behaviour and keeping people safe. Variable electronic road signage trailers have been set up around the City warning drivers about running red lights.
"But despite this, yesterday during the first day of the operation officers at the intersection of Bridge and Victoria Streets picked up six red light runners and issued them infringement notices as well as arresting one driver wanted on warrants."
Mr Jones said most drivers were positive about the operation's objectives if not a bit embarrassed to be caught out but some did dispute they were at fault however each driver's non-compliance had been photographed before they were stopped.
"Today 13 drivers were stopped, 11 in relation to running red lights, one for not wearing a seatbelt and one for using a cell-phone."
And while Mr Jones said while this month's operation was enforcement and compliance focused, Mr Jones said drivers could do well to take heed of their young passenger's road safety education following the simple nursery rhyme; "Twinkle Twinkle."
"The road safety version pre-schoolers in Hamilton are taught goes like this; Twinkle twinkle traffic light, on the corner shining bright.
Red means
stop and green means go.
But orange means go really
"If adults adopted the same stance drivers would save themselves a sting to the wallet and possibly serious injury as well."