One week left for local election candidates to step forward
Media release
9 August
One week left for local election candidates to step forward
Potential candidates have just one week left to step forward for Auckland and be nominated for the 2013 local body elections.
A postal vote takes place from 20 September-12 October for the role of mayor, 20 governing body members and 149 local board seats, as well as for positions on district health boards and licensing trusts.
The nomination process closes at noon next Friday (16 August) and Auckland Council is encouraging candidates to get their forms in ahead of time to avoid the risk of missing out.
“We encourage potential candidates not to leave their nominations to the last minute and ensure they triple check their forms,” says Electoral Officer Bruce Thomas.
“Any errors must be corrected before the close of nominations, otherwise we are unable to accept the application, something which has happened in previous elections.”
“Now is a very exciting time for Auckland as we enter our second term as an amalgamated council, and we look forward to receiving nominations this week from locals who want to make a difference in their communities.”
The nomination process is straightforward.
Anyone wishing to be a candidate for any of the Auckland Council positions, or those on the district health board and licensing trusts, can obtain a nomination paper by:
· Visiting the Electoral Office, Level 10, 45 Queen Street, Auckland, or the Council Service Centres at Great Barrier, Henderson, Manukau, Orewa, Papakura, Pukekohe, Takapuna and Waiheke Island.
· by telephoning 09 973 5212 or 0800 922 822 to request a form be posted.
· by
accessing the Vote Auckland website:
nomination papers can be returned by:
· handing the completed nomination paper into the Electoral Office or one of the eight Auckland Council Service Centres listed above.
· Or, by posting the
completed nomination paper to the Electoral Office, P O Box
5135, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141.
Nomination papers
must be in the hands of the electoral officer or an
electoral official by noon Friday, 16 August to be