Name suppression lifted
Northland District
Walton Plaza,
Monday August 12,
A 43-year-old Whangärei man, who is facing charges of selling cannabis and supplying methamphetamine, has had name suppression lifted.
Northland Police can confirm that the man facing the charges, Michael Blowers, was a police detective in Whangärei.
The alleged offending took place while Mr Blowers was a police officer. He is no longer a Police employee.
Northland District Commander Superintendent Russell Le Prou says Police rely on the trust and confidence of the public and take any criminal allegations against police officers seriously.
"The allegations are very disappointing and undermine the good work done by all staff in the Northland District."
Mr Le Prou says the investigation into these matters started when a member of staff came forward with their concerns.
"It is encouraging when my staff feel they can report activities of other staff they are concerned about."