Man hands himself in following death of woman in Northland
Man hands himself in following death of woman in
A 45-year-old man has presented himself to Whangärei Police following an incident in which a 28-year-old woman was hit by a car in Kaitaia last night.
Police have begun a homicide inquiry after the woman died in Whangärei Hospital in the early hours of this morning.
Police believe they have located the vehicle involved and are now carrying out a forensic examination of the vehicle.
About 11.45am this morning the 45-year-old man handed himself into the Whangärei Police Station. Police are speaking to the man and inquiries into the incident are continuing.
A post mortem on the deceased woman will be carried out in Auckland tomorrow to determine the cause of death.
Police still want to hear from anyone with information who may have seen or heard anything on Pukepoto Road and Grigg Street around 10pm last night.
Anyone with
information can contact Kaitaia police on 09 408 6500 or
information can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on
0800 555 111.