Newtown library open for business
28 August 2015
Newtown library open for business
Newtown library opens its doors on Monday 31 August after 3 months of renovations.
Visitors will experience a fresh new library including new energy efficient lighting, and improved ventilation.
Councillor Sarah Free, Portfolio leader for Community Facilities says, "Newtown library is one of our busiest so it's great that we've been able to upgrade it with new heating, lighting, ventilation, a new paint job and new skylights.
The work took a bit longer than anticipated and we would like to thank everyone for their patience. In the meantime we had shuttle buses to the Kilbirnie Library and extra services there, but there's nothing like having your own local library back”.
South Wellington City Councillor Paul Eagle, says, “Newtown Library is a magical place – it’s the window to the world for many in our community”.
“I’ve been eagerly awaiting the doors of my favourite library to re-open – the makeover together with the positive service from our local librarians sets it apart from other branch libraries in the city.”
As well as a new look library there will be new books on display for customers to enjoy.
As part of the reopening, overdue fees for items due at Newtown library while it was closed will be waived.
Opening hours will remain the same.