Horowhenua Youth Excellence Scholarships nominations open
Horowhenua Youth Excellence Scholarships nominations open
Nominations are now open for the Youth Excellence Scholarships offered by Horowhenua District Council.
There are 12 available, awarded across four categories:
1. Community Services – for recognition of outstanding service to the community
2. Excellence in Sport
3. Excellence in Academia
4. Excellence in Art and Culture
Each scholarship is valued at $250.
Horowhenua District Mayor Brendan Duffy says while $250 may not be a large sum of money, if it sews the seed of opportunity for a young person then it is money well spent.
Mayor Duffy says the scholarships are designed to assist young people reach their potential and help fund activities they are participating in, whether it be sports, the arts and culture, academic work or voluntary service.
"Here in Horowhenua we have many deserving and talented youth. These scholarships are a fantastic way we can publicly acknowledge the contributions they make, and encourage them to continue to excel,” he said.
Established in 2004 the annual Youth Excellence Scholarships have seen Horowhenua District Council award over $30,000 to reward the efforts of young people locally.
To be eligible, nominees must live in the Horowhenua District and be aged between 12 and 24 years-old.
Nomination forms can be filled out by the nominee themselves, provided it is signed by a support person such as a coach, teacher, instructor or team leader.
The forms can be found online at www.horowhenua.govt.nz or from Council's office in Levin or service centres at the Foxton and Shannon libraries.
Nominations close at 5.00pm on Friday 9 October and nominees will be notified of the outcomes in early November.
The Youth Excellence Scholarships will be awarded at the Civic Honours ceremony on Tuesday 17 November.
For more information, contact Council's Community Development Advisor Garreth Stevens on 06 366 0999 or garreths@horowhenua.govt.nz