Next steps for Shelly Bay development
Next steps for Shelly Bay development
Wellington City Council’s Transport and Urban Development Committee today recommended Shelly Bay become a Special Housing Area.
Three other areas zoned for residential development in Tawa, Newlands and Newtown will also be put forward as Special Housing Areas in line with the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act 2013(HASHA). A fifth site in Spenmoor Street did not go forward.
Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown said Shelly Bay’s owner, the Port Nicholson Trust, is developing proposals and the committee decision supports Māori economic development in the capital.
“This Council is energising appropriate redevelopment of this attractive area.
“I envisage more people living, visiting, and enjoying the afternoon sun in Shelly Bay. I encourage developers to include a new ferry service between Queen’s Wharf and Shelly Bay,” she says.
Mayor Wade-Brown noted Council is still working with Government to bring plans for a Watts Peninsula Heritage Park to fruition.
“Any proposals for development of the Shelly Bay site under HASHA will still require a resource consent and assessment against the existing District Plan,” she says.
Councillors supporting the inclusion of Shelly Bay in the Special Housing Area scheme described the area as a jewel.
The Committee recommendations will go to full Council before being put to the Minister of Building and Housing for a final decision.