Serious Crash - Pakuranga Highway - Counties Manukau
Serious Crash - Pakuranga Highway - Counties Manukau
Police and emergency services are at the scene of a serious crash on the Pakuranga Highway, outside McDonalds between Prince Regent Drive and Mountian Rd.
Both sides of the highway are affected and closures are in place at Avemore Drive and Prince Regent Drive.
The crash, between a car and a motorcycle occurred at 12.55p.m.; the motorcyclist is reported to have sustained serious injuries.
Police are aware of the impact the closures will have on traffic and businesses and will be opening the scene as soon as possible however motorists are advised to avoid the area and to expect delays on the highway for some time.
No further details are available at present - a further release will be made once the duration of the closures can be established.