Appeal to find Hasting school's stolen laptops
Appeal to find Hasting school's stolen laptops
Hawke's Bay Police are seeking information
about the theft of 20 new laptops that were stolen from a
Hastings primary school recently.
The Acer Chromebooks (mini laptops) were stolen from Frimley School some time between Friday 22 and Tuesday 26 September.
The laptops were taken from the school's reading recovery room and were still in their boxes.
The theft has hit the school hard and students will be deprived of important learning aids.
"This is particularly upsetting for the kids who have lost resources that will be hard to replace.
“Thefts like this affect the whole community - dozens of kids will be missing out on great learning opportunities," says Senior Constable Pehi Potaka.
Police believe the laptops are likely to be offered for sale, perhaps on social media.
If you are offered any Acer Chromebooks to buy or if you see them advertised on social media, please contact Hastings Police on 06 831 0700.
Information can also be also left anonymously on Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.