Last chance for free cat microchipping before bylaw enacted
26 October 2017
Last chance for free cat
microchipping before bylaw enacted
Cat owners – get in quick if you still need to microchip your cat before a Wellington City bylaw makes it compulsory in February.
Wellington City Council and the SPCA are teaming up to offer free microchipping for cats every Saturday afternoon in November.
Councillor Peter Gilberd, the City Council’s Natural Environment Portfolio Leader, says microchipping has multiple benefits and is about doing what’s best for our pets.
“Microchipping is a safe method for protecting your cat that ensures easy identification. This is especially helpful during natural disasters when people are often separated from their pets, or if cats wander off.”
Following the Christchurch earthquake, more than 80 percent of microchipped casts were reunited with their owners, compared with only 15 percent of non-microchipped cats.
The bylaw requiring microchipping of cats over the age of 12 weeks was passed in August 2016, giving cat owners 18 months to comply. Microchipping events are expected to be busy so early arrival is recommended. Cats should be restrained in a cage or carry box, covered with a towel.
To ensure that Microchipped cats can be identified when they are found, their details need to be registered with NZ Companion Animal Register, which incurs a $15 one-off fee. None of this fee goes to the Council.
Free cat microchipping
Sat 4
November, 1-3pm – Newlands Community Centre, 9 Batchelor
Sat 11 November, 1-3pm – Aro Valley Community
Centre, 48 Aro St
Sat 18 November, 1-3pm – Churton Park
Community Centre, 75 Lakewood Ave
Sat 25 November, 1-3pm
– Miramar Community Centre, 27 Chelsea