Indoor Sports Facility Fees Waived
Users of Hastings District Council’s indoor sports facilities are to have their fees waived for six months in recognition of the financial impact of COVID-19.
Many diverse groups use the Hastings Sports Centre and Flaxmere Community Centre for sports and fitness activities and are facing ongoing funding challenges from the COVID-19 lockdown and ongoing response.
Acting group manager Dennise Elers said the waiver would apply to those groups who used or hired the facilities on an ongoing, regular basis.
The reduction would not include tournaments or activities that charged participants.
“This is
similar to the agreement made in June this year when sports
codes using Council’s outdoor sporting facilities had
their fees and charges waived for the season.
“We want to continue to keep our community participating in physical activity and continue to experience the benefits to health and wellbeing.”
The waiver would be in the form of a credit to the sporting bodies and user groups for the six month period from April to September this year.