Newstalk ZB Headlines - 9am
Dismay At Moratorium on Irradiated Food - Alliance health spokesperson Phillida Bunkle says it’s a major step backwards. Health Minister Wyatt Creech has signed up to a deal in Canberra which will allow the manufacture and importing of some irradiated products, ending a ten year moratorium. Ms Bunkle says New Zealanders are now stuck with the decision because it is a bilateral agreement and can only be changed if the Australians agree to it. She doubts whether consumers will benefit.
Revelations of Corrections
Department Plane Charter - Overcrowding in North Island
prisons means the department will fly 30 convicts to
Christchurch tomorrow. They will be housed in the second
unit to be completed in the Paparoa Remand Centre.
Canterbury Prison spokesperson says it is a fairly routine