Importers Meet As Dollar Slides
Amid extreme concern about the dollar's collapse, importers will this week meet for a conference on "Smarter Importing".
The conference comes at a crucial time for importers, says Importers Institute secretary Daniel Silva.
"Wholesalers, retailers and manufacturers will be attending," says Silva. "They are all concerned about how the vanishing dollar will affect their businesses."
In the keynote speech, HSBC chief economist John Edwards will look at ways to survive the kiwi's collapse.
A highlight will be the debate between Pete Hodgson, Associate Minister for Economic Development, and Roger Kerr, executive director of the Business Round Table, on the Government's role in business development.
"Importers will be very interested to learn of the Government's vision for the economy," says Silva. "Pete Hodgson will outline initiatives in economic development and Roger Kerr will explain his organisation's alternative vision for growth."
Other speakers will look at the role of the Internet in importing, import finance and the supply chain, and domestic debtor risk.
Seventy importers have registered for the conference, organised by the Importers Institute and the HSBC. It will begin at 2pm on Thursday, at the Heritage Hotel, 35 Hobson St, Auckland.
Speech notes will be available.
For more information contact
Daniel Silva
Importers Institute
Tel 09 302 9569, 021 877 015