Media Release: Vodafone BA Application
Issued 15 November 2000/118
Vodafone applies for clearance to acquire spectrum rights
The Commerce Commission has received an application from Vodafone Mobile NZ Limited for clearance to acquire management rights in the current auction of radio frequency spectrum.
The auction
rules require that:
* a proposed acquisition be cleared
or authorised by the Commission, or
* the bidder
provides evidence to the Ministry of Economic Development,
which is running the auction, that the proposed acquisition
would not breach the Commerce Act.
The Commission's Commerce Act Manager, Geoff Thorn, said that the Act prohibits business acquisitions that result in dominance being acquired or strengthened in any markets.
Parties can apply for a clearance, which the Commission will give if it is satisfied that dominance is not acquired or strengthened. The Act gives the Commission 10 working days in which to make its decision. Working day 10 will be November 29.
Public copies of Vodafone's application are available from the Commission's Wellington office-level 7 Landcorp House, 101 Lambton Quay-but details of the specific rights Vodafone wishes to acquire are commercially sensitive and the Commission has agreed to treat them as confidential.
Commission media releases can be viewed
on its web site