CTU President slams business pessimists
23 November 2005
CTU President slams
business pessimists
Business leaders’ doomsaying is jeopardising the security of ordinary hard working New Zealanders" CTU President Ross Wilson warned today.
"We have seen business lobbyists talk the economy down before and they seem determined to do it again" he said.
"Business needs to get over the whiff of tax cuts, Rogernomics and labour market deregulation which got them excited during the Election campaign". Ross Wilson said.
"The World Bank has said for the second year in a row that New Zealand is the best place in the world to do business in, have had economic growth of nearly 20% in five years, and although the economy is slowing down there is no need to create a hard landing needlessly."
"Business leaders should get off their political soap boxes and work with us on industry strategies that continue to invest in skills, modern technology and improving productivity to create sustainable economic growth and higher wages." Ross Wilson said "The national interest requires that of us."
"Business leaders have talked the economy down before and it is ordinary working people who suffer".