TrustPower Welcomes Government Energy Strategy
TrustPower Media Statement
Monday 11 December
TrustPower Welcomes Government Energy Strategy
TrustPower, New Zealand's largest 100% renewable privately owned electricity generator and retailer, has welcomed the New Zealand Government's announcement of its Draft Energy Strategy, in particular the Strategy's emphasis on sustainable electricity generation.
Chief Executive Keith Tempest says TrustPower is proud of its 100% sustainable generation portfolio, and of the further sustainable projects it has underway.
"Our 93MW Tararua wind farm expansion is on target to be delivering enough sustainable generation for a further 42,000 Kiwi homes by July next. And apart from being well underway in the resource consenting process for new hydro generation in Marlborough and on the West coast, additional wind generation in Otago, we have a range of other sustainable projects in the development pipeline. "
Mr Tempest says TrustPower agrees with Energy Minister David Parker's assessment of New Zealand being in the 'fortunate position of being able to produce large amounts of electricity from renewable resources, such as hydro and wind, which are plentiful and cheap by world standards'.
"The Minister is exactly right," Mr Tempest says, "Why on earth would New Zealander's want to risk our future by not taking advantage of the sustainable options we have on our doorstep?"
Mr Tempest says TrustPower is also pleased to note the Strategy's focus on energy efficiency, and its promotion of the significant role consumers can play in helping us make better use of available resources.
"TrustPower looks forward to working closely with the Government to ensure that we as a company can continue to play our part in ensuring New Zealander's have the opportunity to efficiently enjoy all of the advantages of modern life and business, without resorting to technologies and processes that place the future health of our country, and indeed the planet, in peril."