Church Road Reserve Syrah 2007 wins Top Trophy
Church Road Reserve Syrah 2007 wins Top Trophy
• Church
Road Reserve Syrah 2007
• Air New Zealand Champion Wine
of the Show Trophy and Champion Syrah Trophy
Church Road Reserve Syrah 2007 from the Church Road Winery in Hawke’s Bay was awarded the Air New Zealand Champion Wine of the Show Trophy and Champion Syrah Trophy at the 2008 Air New Zealand Wine Awards.
Church Road’s Chris Scott, senior winemaker and Graham Bartleet, viticulture manager were elated with the wins and Graham collected the two trophies on behalf of the Church Road team at the 2008 Air New Zealand Wine Awards dinner held in Wellington on Saturday 24th November at the TSB Arena, attended by 760 guests.
“The 2007 vintage marks the second release of our Church Road Reserve Syrah and the Air New Zealand Champion Wine of Show trophy confirms that we are on the right track with this variety in the Hawke’s Bay. This trophy adds to what has been a wonderful year for Church Road and as a team, we are rapt", said Chris Scott, senior winemaker.
Hawke’s Bay’s perfect conditions for Syrah, coupled with Chris Scott's skill and craft, confidently deliver this exciting New Zealand varietal with all the quality hallmarks you'd expect from Church Road. Syrah is a grape variety that is proving extremely well suited to selected viticultural areas in New Zealand, especially the hotter areas of Hawke’s Bay.
Chair of judges, Steve Smith, Master of Wine (MW), said of the winning wine, "The Church Road Reserve Syrah 2007 is an absolutely stunning wine that is world class. This dark brooding black and purple hued wine has an iron fist-like feel to it," Mr Smith said.
"The past two years have shown that New Zealand winemakers are producing truly world-class Syrah. It's a varietal that has huge potential for the New Zealand wine industry. It is an ideal rich red wine partner to the medium-bodied Pinot Noir offering that New Zealand is also incredibly good at."
Organised by New Zealand Winegrowers, the Air New Zealand Wine Awards is the country's most prestigious wine competition. This year's Awards attracted a record 1,751 entries from New Zealand's 10 winegrowing regions.
Church Road Reserve Syrah is available from selected restaurants, fine wine merchants, selected grocery outlets and from the Church Road Winery Cellar Door. RRP is $39.95. Tasting notes can be found at .
Church Road Winery, 150 Church Road, Taradale, Hawke’s Bay, 06 844 2053