Christchurch Hospital to Receive FFA Cheque
Christchurch Hospital will receive a cheque from the Fresh Future Appeal on Friday 6 November as its share of the 2009 appeal funds.
The cheque will be presented by
Progressive Enterprises General Manager Fresh Foods, Brett
Ashley and Progressive’s Area Champion for the appeal,
Hamish Robinson, to Canterbury District Health Board’s
General Manager Corporate Services Murray Dickson.
Media are invited to attend.
Service Manager,
Children’s Health, Anne Morgan says some of the money
received will be used to pay for the production of a series
of informational DVDs for children and their families about
hospital procedures and coming to hospital. The rest will be
spent on equipment, including items to help position
children who have conditions such as traumatic brain injury
and other neurological conditions and cannot sit up.
Purchases of integrated wall mounted auroscopes/otoscopes
for ear examination and a sphygmomanometer for taking blood
pressure will also be made.
The 2009 Fresh Future
Appeal was launched in August when Progressive
Enterprises’ staff handed out gift bags to children in
Christchurch Hospital’s childrens’ wards.
Over the last two years CDHB has received $366,000 for children’s services from the fundraising campaign. That was a share of approximately $2 million that New Zealanders, including staff, customers and suppliers of Progressive Enterprises, raised in the appeal’s first two years.
The funds
went to dedicated children’s wards at 10 New Zealand
hospitals including Christchurch Hospital, Dunedin, Waikato
and Wellington Hospitals as well as Kidz First Children’s
Hospital, Auckland.
To make a donation during the
appeal, customers placed money in collection boxes or bought
raffle tickets in stores and literally hundreds of local
fundraising events were held.
The Appeal runs across
Countdown, Woolworths, Foodtown, SuperValue, Fresh Choice,
Dick Smith stores and support offices