Local Company Drives Retail Sales
Local Company Drives Retail Sales [Hampsta]
Hampsta Media Release
For Immediate Release – 7 December 2009
Local Company Drives Retail Sales
Auckland based Christmas saving company hampsta, last week activated their customers cards, which resulted in thousands of customers opening their wallets and driving retail sales.
“Last week was absolutely hectic with the first day seeing over 60% more being spent per customer than last year,” said hampsta General Manager Gary Alway.
“Our business partners have reported a significant increase in customers over the last week and note this is being driven by hampsta card holders”.
“With the changes experienced in the economic downturn of the last 18 months retailers have seen less spending in general, but this seems to be turning around thanks to a change in kiwi’s attitudes towards savings and away from credit card loading and debt,” said Mr Alway.
Mr Alway talks enthusiastically about the benefits his customers are receiving stating that ‘hampsta not only ensures a debt free Christmas, but it means kiwis can take advantage of Christmas savings and get into post Christmas sales if that is what they choose to do.”
Hampsta is a Christmas savings card that helps people to put aside money each week to enjoy a great Christmas at the end of the year. Started in 2008 this is the second Christmas that hampsta has been active and retailers are noticing a difference in the spending habits of people coming in with a hampsta card.
“So far this year there has been a predominance of spending in food and beverage outlets with the Mad Butcher supermarket noticing a significant shift in the amount of incremental business that they are receiving, thanks to the hampsta card.” Mr Alway said.