Business growth continues in 2012
Business growth continues in 2012
30 August 2013
Total income for New Zealand businesses increased 5.9 percent in the 2012 financial year, Statistics New Zealand said today.
Total income for all businesses was $610.6 billion, following a 4.9 percent increase in the 2011 financial year. Income from sales of goods and services (up $19.0 billion or 4.3 percent) contributed most to the increase in total income. The second-largest contributor to the increase was interest, dividends, and donations (up $14.1 billion or 26.0 percent), largely due to inter-company dividend transactions.
“All broad industry groups showed growth in the 2012 financial year, continuing the recovery after the 2010 decline," industry and labour statistics manager Louise Holmes-Oliver said. "The sales increases in the wholesale, and retail trade industries were particularly strong."
For the wholesale trade industry total income was up $3.9 billion (5.1 percent). For the retail trade and accommodation industry the increase was $2.6 billion (4.1 percent). However, the largest increase in total income came from the financial and insurance services industry, up $17.9 billion (28.4 percent) due to inter-company dividend transactions.
Total expenditure for all businesses increased to $551.1 billion in the 2012 financial year (up 3.2 percent). This followed a 7.2 percent increase in the 2011 financial year.
Surplus before income tax increased to $59.8 billion in 2012, up 33.4 percent from $44.8 billion in the 2011 financial year. This was primarily due to a larger increase in total income (up $34.1 billion) compared with a $17.1 billion increase in total expenditure.
The Annual Enterprise Survey (AES) is Statistics New Zealand’s most comprehensive source of financial statistics. It provides annual financial performance and position information about businesses operating in New Zealand. The industries covered in AES contribute approximately 90 percent of New Zealand’s gross domestic product.
Statistics NZ encourages the wider use of the AES data for business decision-making or economic-policy formation.
• See Annual Enterprise Survey: 2012 financial
year (provisional) for details in the downloadable
• See Annual Enterprise Survey for additional
variables and ratios.
• See ANZSIC 2006 industry classification for
background information.
• See industry benchmarks for statistics we
produce with Inland Revenue that are linked with
For more information about these statistics: Visit Annual Enterprise Survey: 2012 financial year (provisional)