Deutsche Bank - Preview GDP - June Quarter 1999
Economic Note (New Zealand)
NZ: Preview GDP - June
Quarter 1999
Key Points
Release date:::::::::::::::: Friday 24 September, 10.45am (NZT)
Deutsche Bank forecasts:::::: Production GDP: 0.5% qoq; 2.7% yoy
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Expenditure GDP: 0.7% qoq; 3.7% yoy
Forecast risk:::::::::::::::: Balanced risk assessment
RBNZ forecast:::::::::::::::: Production GDP: 0.5% qoq; 2.7% yoy
Market expectations (Median): Production GDP: 0.5% qoq. Range: +0.2%/+0.9% qoq
Previous release (Mar qtr)::::::Production GDP: 0.7% qoq; 1.5% yoy
DB GDP June Qtr
Forecasts:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: %
::::::::::::::::::::::::: Quarter %:::::Annual
%::::: Cont. To
::::::::::::::::::::::::: Change:::::
Change::::: GDP Quarterly
Group (seriesweights)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Outcome
Priv. Consumption (63.4%):::::0.8:::::::::: 2.1:::::::::: 0.5
Gov't Consumption (17.0%):::::0.2:::::::::: 0.8:::::::::: 0.0
Investment (16.0%):::::::::: -1.9:::::::::: 7.0:::::::::: -0.4
Increase in Stocks (0.1%):::::0.4:::::::::: 0.5:::::::::: 0.4
GNE (96.4%)::::::::::::::: 0.5:::::::::: 3.2:::::::::: 0.5
Exports (30.0%):::::::::: -2.4:::::::::: 6.9:::::::::: -0.8
Imports (26.5%):::::::::: -2.6:::::::::: 5.1:::::::::: 1.0
Expenditure GDP:::::::::::::::0.7:::::::::: 3.7:::::::::: 0.7
Reflecting the recent release of weaker-than-expected manufacturing sector data, we have edged back our June quarter production GDP estimate from an increase of around 0.6-0.7% qoq to 0.5% qoq. Nevertheless, within the total we expect a positive contribution from the services sector (largely reflecting projected growth in the transport & communication, finance and wholesale industries) to more than offset on-going weakness in the agricultural and primary processing sectors. On an expenditure basis, we expect a positive contribution from consumption expenditure and stockbuilding to be somewhat dampened by a negative investment contribution and a reasonably flat net external sector profile. With our quarterly GDP estimate now in line with the RBNZ's August Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) projection, such an outturn will reinforce our expectation that the Reserve Bank will keep the OCR unchanged at the 29 September review. Instead, we expect the RBNZ to raise the cash rate by 50 bp to 5.0% at the November MPS.
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