Arts Board grants help build bridges with Oz
1 November 2001
Arts Board grants help
bridges with Australia
The importance of Australia for New Zealand artists wanting to build new audiences and expand their markets was reflected in the latest funding round of the Arts Board of Creative New Zealand, which announced 209 project grants to artists and arts organisations this week.
A $60,000 grant to the Biennale of Sydney, for instance, will support up to four New Zealand artists to participate in this prestigious biennial event, opening on 15 May 2002. To date, Taranaki artist Michael Stevenson and Auckland artist Michael Parakowhai have been selected to participate in (The World May Be) Fantastic, an exhibition dealing with themes of invention and imagination.
Promoting and profiling New Zealand craft artists and designers is the aim of the Arts Board’s support to the Australian Centre for Craft & Design, which was offered a $21,850 grant for New Zealand content in four issues of its magazine, Object.
These projects were two of 209 projects offered grants totalling $2.7 million in the Arts Board’s latest funding round. The Board received 595 application for project funding seeking more than $9.1 million.
Arts Board Chair Murray Shaw said Object was one of the few publications providing high-quality, critical writing about New Zealand crafts. It is distributed widely in Australia and internationally – in particular, to New Zealand and the United States.
“There’s a discerning, accessible and growing market for New Zealand arts and culture in Australia,” Mr Shaw said. “New Zealand and Australia have a great deal to offer each other, and the more partnerships we build with Australian institutions the better.”
Mr Shaw pointed to two Arts Board initiatives this year that will develop new audiences for New Zealand work and expand international markets. Alongside its $40,000 investment in the 5th Australian Performing Arts Market in Adelaide in March 2002, the Arts Board set aside $45,000 to support participation of three New Zealand dealer galleries in the Melbourne Contemporary Art Fair in October 2002.
A third Arts Board initiative promoting New Zealand arts and artists in Australia is its partnership with Artspace, a major contemporary art gallery in Woolloomooloo in Sydney. Last month, the Arts Board announced that Auckland artist Stella Brennan will take up a three-month residency at the Sydney gallery, starting in December 2001.
This residency is one of several in the Arts Board’s international artists’ residency programme. Creative New Zealand supports more than 40 residencies a year either through its project funding or its international residency programme.
“Residencies are an important way to support individual artists,” Mr Shaw said. “However, the Arts Board was concerned in this round that a number of the New Zealand host organisations seemed unaware of the pressure on our funds and the need for them to present a strong case as to why we should fund them.”
Among the grants offered to institutions for their
residency programmes are:
- $8000 to Otago Polytechnic
for its artist-at-work residency
- $24,645 to the
University of Auckland and $23,250 to the University of
Canterbury for their 2002 writer-in-residency programmes
- $8000 to Massey University (Wellington) for an
artist-in-residence programme.
The Arts Board has three funding programmes to which artists and arts organisations apply for project funding. These are Creative and Professional Development; New Work; and Presentation, Promotion and Audience Development. Every application is read and assessed by artform committees (or an inter-disciplinary committee), made up of arts practitioners, before the final decisions are made by the Arts Board.
Mr Shaw noted that in their reports to the Board, several assessment committees wanted to see more arts organisations working together on collaborative projects (eg galleries collaborating on their international visitors’ programme) and forming partnerships with other organisations (eg local authorities, Ministry of Education).
Along with grants for residencies, a number of grants supported individual artists and the achievements of senior practitioners. Wellington writer Graham Billing was offered $36,000 towards writing a novel while Auckland choreographer Douglas Wright was offered $80,000 to undertake a national tour of Inland, a work that will premiere at the New Zealand Festival 2002.
In this round, two writing bursaries and a scholarship for a choreographer were announced. They are:
- the 2001 Louis Johnson New Writers’ Bursary, worth
$18,000, awarded to Auckland poet Sue Fitchett to complete
a collection of poetry
- the 2001 Todd New Writers’
Bursary, worth $20,000, awarded to Wellington writer Rebekah
Palmer to write a novel. This bursary is a partnership
between the Arts Board and the Todd Corporation, with each
partner contributing $10,000
- the 2001 Tup Lang
Scholarship, worth $10,000, awarded to Dunedin choreographer
Daniel Belton. This scholarship was supplemented by an Arts
Board grant of $9,745 to Daniel Belton and Good Company,
supporting a dance-based film called Wireless.
Along with its support for individual artists, the Arts Board also discussed the possibility of establishing a fellowship programme for mid-career and senior artists.
“Fellowships provide artists with a sustained period of time to take risks and develop their work. It is also a way of acknowledging artists,” Mr Shaw said. “Creative New Zealand is continuing to work with the Government to promote a fellowship programme to recognise and honour established New Zealand artists.”
Increasingly, Creative New Zealand
is receiving proposals from artists using new technologies
to create and present their work. For instance, new media
artist Angela Main of Wellington was offered a $30,000 grant
to create and present Another project using new technologies to
build new audiences will be presented by Morse Media. The
Wellington digital media company created and maintains, recent winner of the New Zealand Music
Site of the Year Award. Morse Media was offered a $15,000
grant to present two live-performance events showcasing New
Zealand music, which will be recorded and then presented
digitally to a global audience – both online at
or offline as a DVD. Applications to Creative New
Zealand’s next funding round close on 22 February 2002.
Copies of the Funding Guide: Ngä Pütea 2001-2002 are
available from Creative New Zealand offices or can be
downloaded from the publications page of its website
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FUNDING ROUND, 2001-2002 This is a complete list of Arts
Board project grants offered in the first funding round for
the 2001/2002 year. Grants are listed within artforms under
the Arts Board’s three funding programmes. Arts Board:
Creative & Professional Development CRAFT Jonathan
Bennett: to attend a bookbinding course in
Britain $2,900 Isola Productions Ltd: towards an
artist-in-residence and hot glass
workshops $10,500 Northland Craft Trust: towards a
multi-media summer school $10,000 New Zealand Society of
Potters: to tour potters’ workshops in 2001 -
2002 $10,788 DANCE Megan Adams: towards a workshop to
create a new body of work $5,500 Raewyn Hill: to develop a
duet, “Fear” $5,000 MEDANZ: towards networking and
workshops at Medanz Festival 2002 $2,000 Northern Dance
Network Inc: towards the Choreographic
Platform $14,000 Linda Parker: towards professional
development in Britain and the United States $5,000 FINE
ARTS Art & Industry Biennial Trust: to research and
develop the 2002 Biennial Festival of Visual
Arts $21,100 Otago Polytechnic: towards an artist-at-work
residency $8,000 LITERATURE Brick Row Publishing
Company Ltd: to support issues 24 and 25 of “Poetry New
Zealand” $6,750 Centre For Creative Arts: to support
Michele Leggott’s attendance at the Poetry Africa
Festival $3,000 Christchurch Book Festival Trust: to
support 15 - 17 writers’ workshops at the 2002 Books and
Beyond Festival $8,400 JAAM: to publish two issues of
“JAAM” $3,500 New Zealand Society Of Authors: to support a
range of services to writers $36,000 Peppercorn Press: to
publish five issues of “New Zealand Books” $25,000 Sport:
to support issues 26 and 27 of “Sport” $10,000 Takahe
Collective Trust: to support issues 45, 46 and 47 of
“Takahe” $10,000 The New Zealand Poetry Society Inc: to
support a range of activities $6,500 University of Otago
Press: to support issues 203 and 204 of
“Landfall” $12,000 MOVING IMAGE Alice Carstensen: to
attend the Visual Evidence Conference $2,270 Reina
Webster: towards an MA in film, New
York $5,000 MULTI-DISCIPLINARY (e)-Vision Trust: to
attend a digital storytelling workshop in the United
States $6,438 Aotea Youth Symphony Inc: towards a
multi-sensory concert experience for the hearing
impaired $10,000 Atamira Dance Co: towards a workshop to
develop new choreographic ideas $12,500 Christchurch
College of Education: towards an Australasian Summer School
in performing arts focussing on the voice $20,000 New
Theatre Initiative: towards the Arts Development Workshop
Series 2002 $2,000 Ruwhenua: to develop “Takahi,
Takahi” $15,000 Te Toki Haruru: towards a dance and
performance workshop $15,000 The Clinic: to develop “Clara
and Crouch” $6,000 The Human Garden: towards an intensive
screen dance research project $41,000 Wellington Fringe
Arts Trust: towards a “Show and Tell” seminar series in the
Fringe 2002 $7,500 MUSIC 175 East: to present concerts
of new music in 2002 in four cities $21,500 Christchurch
Flute Society: towards international and national
contributions at the sixth New Zealand Flute
Convention $8,000 Christchurch School of Music Inc: to
bring a British expert to help establish a Samba
band $3,000 Composers Association of New Zealand: towards
a young composer representing New Zealand at the Asian
Composers League Festival $2,000 Composers Association of
New Zealand: towards the annual workshop for emerging
composers held in Nelson $5,000 Angela Means: to research
music touring in the United States $2,000 New Zealand Jazz
Foundation: towards the New Zealand Youth and High Schools
Jazz Orchestra in 2002 $5,000 New Zealand Opera Training
School: towards a residential training school with
international tutors $10,000 Stroma: to stage two concerts
of contemporary music from New Zealand and
abroad $16,000 THEATRE Stuart Hoar: to write a
full-length play, “The Wall” $12,000 Juliet O’Brien: to
develop a new play “Swill It” $6,000 Kate Parker: towards
creative development of “The Butcher’s
Daughter” $7,577 Christian Penny: to develop “The Point on
the Hill” $15,200 Duncan Sarkies: to develop a new work,
“James Rocket” $18,000 Te Puna Toi: to facilitate the
participation of Guillemo Gomez-Pena in a
masterclass $6,000 Arts Board: New
Work CRAFT Miranda Brown: towards a three-dimensional
fabric installation $5,000 Operation Peace Through Unity:
towards a community sculpture $5,000 Martin Poppelwell:
towards research and new work $9,300 Studio 385: towards a
new body of cast glass work $9,150 DANCE Sean Curham:
towards the creation and presentation of “Still Life
2002” $25,000 Raewyn Hill: to present “Inner Days” in a
shared programme with Touch Compass $20,000 Malia
Johnston: to create a new work for the season of
“Fracture” $12,000 Bronwyn Judge: towards a dance/theatre
production $16,000 Local Weeds: to create and present
“Local Weeds” $12,400 New Zealand School of Dance: towards
a commissioned work from Douglas
Wright $3,500 DESIGN Simon James: towards a body of new
furniture $10,000 FINE ARTS Rudolf Boelee: towards a
body of digital paintings $7,000 Eddie Clemens: towards
“Ghostings,” a new body of work $4,000 Dunedin Public Art
Gallery: towards the Visiting Artist Programme
2002 $16,000 Govett Brewster Art Gallery: towards an
artist-in-residence programme 2002-2003 $8,000 Christine
Hellyar: towards a collaborative installation at Pitt Rivers
Museum, Britain $20,000 Massey University (Welllington):
towards an artist-in-residence programme $8,000 Jono
Rotman: towards a series of photographs $6,847 Yvonne
Todd: towards a body of photographic
work $7,000 LITERATURE Graham Billing: to write a
novel $36,000 Edmund Bohan: to write a book on New Zealand
in the 1860s $18,000 David Brown: to write a
novel $9,000 Kenneth Catran: to write a novel for young
adults $9,000 Dunedin College of Education: towards its
children’s writer-in-residence programme $10,000 Riemke
Ensing: to write her memoirs and a collection of
poetry $9,000 Sue Fitchett: to complete a collection of
poetry (recipient of the Louis Johnson New Writers’
Bursary) $18,000 David Herkt: to write a
novel $9,000 Rachael King: to write a novel $6,000 Mike
Minehan: to write a series of prose poems $9,000 Linda
Niccol: to complete a short story collection $9,000 Carl
Nixon: to write a novel $7,500 Geraldine Oliver: to write
three novellas $2,500 Julia Owen: to write a
novel $9,000 Rebekah Palmer: to write a novel (recipient
of the Todd New Writers’ Bursary) $20,000 Mark Pirie: to
write a collection of poetry $9,000 Susy Pointon: to write
a novel $9,000 Randell Cottage Writers’ Trust: to support
a New Zealand writer-in-residence at the Randell
Cottage $18,000 Bryan Reid: to write a biography of David
Ballantyne $5,000 Tania Roxborogh: to write a novel for
young adults $12,000 Philip Temple: to write a
novel $18,000 University of Auckland: to support its
writer-in-residence programme $24,645 University of
Canterbury: to support its writer-in-residence
programme $23,250 MULTI-DISCIPLINARY Amalgam: to devise
and present a cross-disciplinary performance
piece $15,500 Calico Young Peoples Theatre: to develop and
premiere “The Halfmen of O” $18,350 Jain Evans: to travel
to Amsterdam to collaborate on a new media cross-artform
work $3,000 Guy Ryan Company: to create and present
“Fracture” $18,000 Helen Jamieson: towards the costs of
the “ABC Experiment” $17,500 Maclary Theatre Productions:
to develop “Hairy Maclary’s Cavalcade” $20,000 Angela
Main: to create and present Ant
Sang: to work on four issues of “Dharma
Punks” $7,000 MUSIC 175 East: to commission new works
by Rachel Clement and Michael Norris $9,600 Auckland
Chamber Orchestra: to commission a 20-minute chamber
orchestra work by Lissa Meridan-Skipp $8,600 Brigid
Bisley: to compose a 15-minute chamber ensemble
work $9,000 Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust: to
commission Ross Harris to compose a 15-minute work for
voices and percussion $5,000 Ensemble Three: to commission
John Wells to compose a trio for horn, cello and
piano $2,000 Greg Johnson: to write new songs for a future
album $6,800 New Zealand Flute Society, Christchurch
Branch: to commission a work for flute and tape by Chris
Cree-Brown $1,980 Plasticene: for an album of original
music $5,000 Teremoana Rapley: towards a solo
album $5,000 Anthony Ritchie: to compose “24 Preludes” for
piano solo $12,000 Stroma: to commission two new works for
chamber ensemble $8,000 Bill Urale: to compose a new body
of songs for a second King Kapisi
album $7,000 THEATRE Hitting Fifty: to present “Acting
Your Age” $20,000 Putaanga Productions: to present “The
Prophet” $20,000 Young & Hungry Youth Theatre: towards a
festival of commissioned plays, performed and produced by 15
– 25-year-olds $50,000 Arts Board: Presentation, Promotion
& Audience Development CRAFT Australian Centre For
Craft & Design: towards New Zealand content in “Object”
magazine $21,850 AVID: towards an exhibition of applied
art in Washington DC $10,000 City Gallery, Wellington:
towards an exhibition catalogue of the work of John
Parker $9,000 Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust: towards an
exhibition publication $8,800 Norsewear: towards the
Norsewear Art Award exhibition 2002 $9,000 New Zealand
Society of Artists in Glass: towards an exhibition catalogue
of cast glass $12,000 Ron Sang: towards a monograph on Len
Castle $15,000 DANCE Northern Dance Network Inc: to
present the third Auckland Dance
Festival $8,000 DESIGN Humphrey Ikin: to exhibit at the
Milan Furniture Fair $10,500 David Trubridge: to exhibit
at the Milan Furniture Fair $10,500 FINE ARTS Adam Art
Gallery: towards a publication and exhibition on Pauline
Rhodes $9,200 Auckland Art Gallery: towards a Gretchen
Albrecht publication $8,000 Biennale of Sydney: towards
New Zealand representation at the Biennale of Sydney
2002 $60,000 Blue Oyster Arts Trust: towards a six-month
exhibition series $16,712 CAKE: towards a series of urban
poster exhibitions $5,000 Bruce Connew: towards a
photographic exhibition $7,740 Enjoy: towards two series
of exhibitions $14,062 High Street Project: towards a
six-month series of exhibitions $17,532 Manawatu Art
Gallery: towards an exhibition and catalogue on Andrew
Drummond $10,000 Ani O’Neill: towards a
catalogue $4,253 Caroline Rothwell: towards a catalogue of
site drawings $4,950 Sao Paulo Bienal: towards New Zealand
participation at the 25th Sao Paulo
Bienal $22,000 Stedelijk Museum: towards a retrospective
exhibition on Colin McCahon $50,000 Te Tuhi - The Mark:
towards an exhibition
catalogue $6,863 LITERATURE Auckland University Press:
to publish a book of poems by Chris Price $2,000 Auckland
University Press: to publish a biography of Robin Hyde by
Gloria Rawlinson and Derek Challis $3,000 Auckland
University Press: to publish a poetry collection by Diana
Bridge $2,000 Auckland University Press: to publish a
poetry collection by Janet Charman $2,000 Auckland
University Press: to publish a poetry collection by Anna
Jackson $2,000 Bridget Williams Books Ltd: to publish a
volume of selected poems by Lauris Edmond $3,000 Cape
Catley Ltd: to publish a novel by Graham
Billing $2,500 Children’s Literature Foundation New
Zealand Inc: to support the Storylines Festival in
Auckland $10,000 Christchurch Book Festival Trust: to
support the Read Aloud day at Books and
Beyond $4,000 David Ling Publishing Ltd: to publish Paul
Moon’s biography of Hone Heke $2,500 David Ling
Publishing Ltd: to publish a novel by Dennis
Baker $3,000 Harper Collins Publishers (New Zealand) Ltd:
to publish a novel by Elspeth Sandys $2,300 Harper Collins
Publishers (New Zealand) Ltd: to publish a novel by Jennifer
Maxwell $2,500 Huia Publishers: to publish Evelyn Stokes’
biography of Wiremu Tamihana $3,000 Inkweed: to publish
a poetry collection by Robin Fry $1,500 International
Institute of Modern Letters: to support publication of the
best New Zealand poems on line $3,000 Longacre Press Ltd:
to publish a junior novel by Vince Ford $2,500 Longacre
Press Ltd: to publish a junior novel by Sandy
McKay $2,500 Longacre Press Ltd: to publish a junior novel
by Jack Lasenby $2,500 New Zealand Publishers Export
Group: to support the stand organiser to attend the
Frankfurt Book Fair $4,250 Penguin Books (New Zealand)
Ltd: to publish a novel by Jackie Davies $3,000 Random
House New Zealand Ltd: to publish a novel by Val
Bird $3,000 Random House New Zealand Ltd: to publish a
memoir by Kevin Ireland $2,500 Reed Publishing (New
Zealand) Ltd: to publish a junior novel by Judy
Knox $2,000 Scholastic New Zealand Ltd: to publish a
junior novel by Kingi McKinnon $2,500 Scholastic New
Zealand Ltd: to publish the “John Britten Story” by Jennifer
Beck $3,000 Steele, Roberts & Associates Ltd: to publish a
collection of short stories by Paddy
Richardson $2,500 Sudden Valley Press: to publish a book
of poems by Mark Pirie $1,500 William Taylor: to present
work at the International Reading Conference United
States $1,750 University of Otago Press: to publish a
novel by Bronwyn Tate $3,000 Victoria University Press: to
publish a poetry collection by Brian
Turner $2,000 Victoria University Press: to publish a
poetry collection by Bernadette Hall $2,000 Victoria
University Press: to publish a novel by Damien
Wilkins $3,000 Victoria University Press: to publish an
essay collection by Gregory O’Brien $3,000 Victoria
University Press: to publish a poetry collection by James
Brown $2,000 Women’s Play Press: to publish “Vagabonds” by
Lorae Parry $2,000 MOVING IMAGE Belladonna Trust:
towards a short film festival $5,368 New Zealand
Federation of Film Societies: to tour the Jean-Luc Goddard
retrospective $8,100 Reel Queer Incorporated: towards Out
Takes film festival
2002 $14,490 MULTI-DISCIPLINARY Auckland Secondary
Schools Principals Association: towards a multi-cultural
festival by young people $10,000 Daniel Belton & Good
Company: towards a dance-based film “Wireless” (this
includes the 2001 Tup Lang Scholarship) $19,745 Douglas
Wright Dance Company: to present a national tour of
“Inland” $80,000 Factory: towards a theatrical
installation “The Writing on the Wall” $9,000 Hastings
Blossom Festival: towards the 2002 Hastings Blossom
Festival $10,000 Hunter Productions: towards an
installation and website $18,000 Strike: to support
performances at the Cervantino Festival in Mexico
City $5,000 Te Awa Trust: towards fees for artists at Fuel
- Festival of New Zealand Theatre $40,000 The World’s
Wife: towards a national tour of “The World’s
Wife” $40,000 Touch Compass Dance Trust: to remount and
tour “Lusi’s Eden” in the North Island $65,000 Wanganui
District Performing Arts Trust: towards the Wanganui Arts
Festival $8,000 Wow! Productions Trust: to present “Blue
Smoke” in Dunedin $24,000 MUSIC Atoll Ltd: towards a CD
of “Taku Wana” and “The Wheel Turns” by Helen
Fisher $19,500 Atoll Ltd: to produce a CD of Christopher
Blake’s orchestral works performed by the New Zealand
Symphony Orchestra $10,000 Auckland Chamber Orchestra:
towards a series of six concerts in Auckland in
2002 $30,000 Class Act Opera: to tour a New Zealand opera,
“Tale of the Birdcatcher”, to South Island schools
$24,000 Flying Nun: towards a New Zealand tour package of
new Flying Nun bands $15,000 Kiwi Pacific Records
International Ltd: to release a CD of orchestral works by
Edwin Carr $3,000 Lontano Trust: to produce an
international CD release of four New Zealand women
composers $14,000 Morse Media Ltd: towards
live-performance New Zealand music events and subsequent
digital presentation $15,000 Saxcess: towards a tour to
rural schools, colleges and universities $8,000 Temple:
for a series of gigs by young musicians for an all-ages
audience $5,000 The Rockquest Trust: to support the 2002
cokesmokefreerockquest $30,000 THEATRE 3 Pesos
Productions: to tour “Little Che” to five
cities $30,000 Christchurch Arts Festival: to rework “The
Golden Holden” $5,000 Home Co-op: towards a national tour
of “Take Me Home Mr” $30,000 Indian Ink Theatre Company:
to tour “The Pickle King” to Hamilton, Auckland and
Wellington $60,000 New Zealand Actors’ Company: to create
and present “Leah” $50,000 New Zealand Comedy Trust:
towards Laugh! 2002 $50,000 Shakespeare Globe Centre New
Zealand Inc: towards the 2002 Sheilah Winn Festival of
Shakespeare in Schools $10,000 Talking House: to tour
“Avis” to Otago and Southland $30,000 The Large Group:
towards “Lyistrata and The Crucible,” a winter theatre
event $25,000
For further
information and details about any of the grants, please
Undine Marshfield
Media and Communications
Creative New Zealand
Tel: 04-498 0725
Communications Writer
Creative New
Tel: 04-498 0715