Saint Nicotine Announces Santarchy 2002
Saint Nicotine Announces Santarchy 2002
Following last year’s popular Santarchy parade, Saint Nicotine has planned another night of public debauchery for Wellington’s fast growing Santarchist movement. Described by participants as ‘the wickedest night of my life’, Santarchy 2001 drew a crowd of over 20 Santas and has become the stuff of urban legend.
Santarchy is a strange phenomenon that has been occurring each December for the last 8 years in major metropolitan areas around the world in which cacophonist Santas have been taking to the streets and generating non-specific yuletide naughtiness.
"Santarchy is about having a bit of fun and simultaneously dismantling the public image of a consumerist Father Christmas," said Saint Nic'. "We get a bunch of people together wearing cheap santa suits and just doing crazy stuff that people wouldn't usually associate with Father Christmas such as binge drinking, causing trouble in shopping malls, visiting strip clubs, going clubbing and just doing general crazy shit."
"It should be emphasised, however, that the aim is to be mischievous rather than illegal, and that anything we do is for a purpose. That purpose is to dismantle Santa Claus as a cultural icon and figure of festivity who merely encourages consumption."
Saint Nic' points out that these days Christmas is more about prompted buying rather than giving. "Furthermore, the Santa myth encourages parents to lie to their children, puts stress on lower socioeconomic demographics, and engrains an attitude of greed within the young."
The Wellington parade will begin at 3pm on Parliament lawn this Saturday 21st and will congregate at the corner of Manners and Cuba Malls at 6pm, rallying once more at the Reading Cinemas complex at 9pm. Various Santarchists will also be found at Liks or Santa Fe from around 5am. Visits will be made to shops, liquor outlets, nightclubs and strip bars along Lambton Quay, Manners Mall and Cuba Mall.
Date: Saturday 21 December, 3pm - 6am
Location: Wellington City
Meeting points: Parliament
lawn - 3pm, Corner of Manners/Cuba at 6pm, Reading Cinemas
at 9pm.
Cost: Santa suits are $19.95 from The Warehouse.
That’s $20 for the best night of your life. How could you
resist? Merry XXXmas!