New Zealand Mind
New Zealand Mind
New Zealand Mind is a new online discussion forum – a place for mindful New Zealanders. There’s no commercial spin, just a place to communicate with like-minds, serious or trivial.
It’s pretty much a blank canvas, so feel free to sign in and spread the word among your networks. Don’t forget, for it to be anything more than just a nice idea, you have to get posting.
It’s important to generate discussion at a New Zealand level and an online forum is of particular importance to people in more isolated communities.
The forum includes the following categories:
Spiritual Paths The journey of many roads – Buddhism, Mysticism, Shamanism, Mana, Wicca…
Healing Hands Reiki, herbs and other healing therapies
Reality Check Dreams, visions and co-existent realities
Gaia Consciousness Ecology, environment and communication with the Earth
Social Consciousness For our societal fabric and the Peoples front of Judea
Culture Manifest Mindful books, films, music – maybe even TV
Meetspace Events, workshops, gatherings and happenings
Over Tea General thoughts and everything in between
You can visit New Zealand Mind at: