HPM Racing nails additional V8s support
Tracer Motorsport Press Release:
For immediate release:
30th October 2007.
HPM Racing nails additional V8s support
High impact and reliability: two key factors in mounting a championship charge have been welcomed by the HPM Racing team as Paslode join them in the New Zealand V8s Championship title chase.
With the start of the 2007-2008 championship race season, today's announcement by the king of nailing systems buoys the team as it heads in to the start of a six round season.
Starting at Pukekohe this weekend (2-4 November), the series covers all of New Zealand's major race circuits - ending at the worlds most southern raceway near Invercargill.
HPM Racing team spokesman Simon Cressey introduced the Paslode addition to the Ford powered V8s team, fronted by Paul Radisich.
"They're a reliable and well known brand - one I know and depend on with our TimberWorld outlets - which makes them an ideal partner for our race team and championship chase."
General Manager for ITW New Zealand,
the parent company for the Paslode brand, Mr Mark Glidden
says it was an easy decision for them:
"The whole
motorsport scene; looking at the type of customers we have,
from suppliers to builders, motorsport is at the top of
their hit parade when it comes to interest, so its logical
for us to get involved.
I think from the profile the team
has and with Paul (Radisich), we all want to be associated
with him and winning - so it's about exposure he and the
team will give our brand."
The team will unveil their new look at Pukekohe this Friday (2nd November) when the #777 Ford BA Falcon takes to the 2.841km circuit early Friday afternoon for testing before a three race weekend.
Calendar: NZ Truth V8s Championship
Date Circuit Event
1 2-4 Nov
2007 Pukekohe Fujitsu Pukekohe 200
2 23-25 Nov
2007 Ruapuna GT Radials 200
3 17-20 Jan 2008 Taupo (A1
GP event)
4 15-17 Feb 2008 Manfeild
5 29 Feb - 2 Mar
2008 Timaru
6 7-9 Mar 2008 Teretonga Hydraulink 200
Trophy event 18-20 Apr 2008 Hamilton (non championship)
The 2007-08 NZ Truth V8s Championship website: www.nzv8s.co.nz
ITW History - Paslode
Paslode was founded in the United States in 1935 by noted industrialist J. W. Leslie. The name is an acronym for the markets and the products that the company was originally set up to service (PAacking, Shipping, LOading DEvices). Paslode quickly established a reputation for innovative thinking earned by working closely with its customers to provide inventive solutions to common business problems. This inventive approach culminated in the introduction of a pneumatic light-duty upholstery tacker in 1959. The introduction of the upholstery tacker revolutionised nail fastening technology and Paslode® went on to conceive and produce the world's first commercially accepted framing nailer. The Gun-Nailer offered the construction industry increase productivity and reduced worker fatigue.
Our ongoing commitment to research and development is inspired by the same passion and drive that J.W brought to his new company back in 1935. This drive to attain the best for our customers and our products has ensured that the Impulse framing nailer has remained the worldwide industry benchmark to this day.
Paslode® New Zealand Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of ITW® New Zealand (Illinois Tool Works). The Paslode brand was introduced to New Zealand following the aquisition of Jambro Limited in 1989. Jambro was a small, local business that manufactured and distributed collated staples and nails.
Jambro NZ limited was founded in the mid 1980's and was renamed Paslode in 1998. The company was responsible for introducing cordless gas powered nailers and quickly established itself as a leading supplier to the New Zealand construction industry.