Future Food: What Will Be On Your BBQ In 2020?
What will be on your BBQ in 2020?
A new travelling exhibition will offer a glimpse into the future of food when it hits the road this month. What decisions will we have to make about the food we eat and produce? What information will we need to make these decisions?
The Future Food Roadshow engages people with the questions, decisions and choices that they may face in the near future. The Roadshow will be open for a preview under the sails at Queens Wharf in Wellington this Thursday from 12pm-1pm.
It starts its full tour in Timaru at the Caroline Bay Carnival on December 27.
Dr Lee Huffman Research Leader for Food Concepts at Crop & Food Research will be there to discuss the information and material on display.
Food is important to New Zealand and New Zealanders - it is essential to our health and central to our economy. Exploring and understanding the information and choices that are out there is increasingly essential in our everyday lives.
Packed with large plasma screens showcasing top-quality computer graphics, the Future Food Roadshow gives people an insight into how New Zealand science is increasing our knowledge about the food we produce, export and eat.
The Roadshow includes examples of work being done in New Zealand research organisations, and highlights some of the wider social and ethical questions scientific advancement may raise.
Information about the Roadshow, including a schedule is available at www.morst.govt.nz/futurefood
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