NZ Gardener: Get Growing In 2008, New Zealand!
Get Growing New Zealand!
Having survived her year of self-sufficiency in inner-city Auckland, New Zealand Gardener magazine editor Lynda Hallinan has issued a challenge to Kiwis to get growing in 2008 - and she's offering free advice to show you how to get started.

New Zealand Gardener editor Lynda Hallinan has lived out of her Auckland garden for 12 months - and now she's setting out to help others do the same. Photo credit: Sally Tagg
Twelve months ago, Hallinan made a public New Year's resolution to only eat homegrown fruit and veges, to cut her food miles to metres, and to spend no more than $10 a week on basics at the supermarket.
"I've sown, grown and gloated my way through the seasons," says Hallinan. "And I've baked, boiled, brewed and bottled as if my life depended on it."
"I've done it - and now I want to
help other New Zealanders learn how to give the 'good life'
a go too," she says.
Hallinan's self-sufficiency project
featured on TV One's Sunday programme and is the subject of
a new special collector's edition of New Zealand Gardener
called Homegrown, on sale now.
Her self-sufficiency
efforts were so successful she was able to trade her surplus
produce at the Auckland City Farmers' Market at Britomart
for the necessities she couldn't grow in her own backyard -
such as steak and sausages.
"I'm going to do it all again
in 2008, only this time I'm setting out to convert as many
non-gardeners as I can along the way," she says.
Starting on New Year's Day, New Zealand Gardener is launching a free weekly vegetable gardening email newsletter packed with advice for homegrown harvests.
The interactive Get Growing email will be sent out each Friday during 2008 and will focus on practical tips and tasks for the weekend, along with special offers, recipes and the opportunity to ask New Zealand Gardener's experts for advice.
Kiwis keen to take up the challenge can sign on for the free email newsletter at
Hallinan says her year has been a lot of fun, and she's looking forward to expanding her range of produce in 2008. "Time flies when you're having fun - and it flies even faster when you're growing all your own food."