Starlight Express To Tour NZ
STARLIGHT EXPRESS – The Fastest Show On Earth Will Tour New Zealand July & August 2009

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For Immediate Release: Friday October 10, 2008:
Fastest Show on Earth will tour New Zealand July & August
2nd only to Cats as the longest running
musical in British theatre history:
Stewart & Tricia Macpherson with Patrick Connell by arrangement with The Really Useful Group Ltd are thrilled to announce Andrew Lloyd Webber’s - STARLIGHT EXPRESS - one of the most successful musicals of all time, will tour New Zealand next year, for the first time! Proudly sponsored by ANZ Bank.
The large Arena-scaled show will play indoors at Vector, TSB and Westpac Arenas during July & August 2009! Tickets will go on sale on Tuesday October 28, 2008 (Please see dates & booking details below) or visit
opening at the Apollo Victoria in London on 27th March 1984
it has been produced in Germany, USA, Canada, Japan,
Australia and Mexico, as well as a production on ice in
1997. When the show closed at the Apollo, London on the 12th
January 2002, after a run of 18 years and 7409 performances
STARLIGHT EXPRESS is second only to CATS as the longest
running musical in British theatre history.
“We are very excited to bring to New Zealand audiences this new version for today’s audiences,” said Stewart Macpherson, “the show has additional new songs; new orchestrations with a very ‘now’ sound even some with an injection of hip-hop. Large Arenas provide huge scope for the spectacle of the show which will include specialist stunt-skaters performing extreme sports elements and a dynamic cast of 28 performers plus an orchestra. Some seating in the arena will place the audience in the thick of the skating action.”
About Starlight Express
STARLIGHT EXPRESS is composed by multi-award winner Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar) lyrics by Richard Stilgoe, Don Black and David Yazbek, choreography by Arlene Phillips (Debuted as director of Hot Gossip dancers and today a much sought after choreographer for theatre, feature films, concert arenas, television, music videos and commercials).
The story follows a child's dream in which his toy train set comes to life; famously the show is very unique as all 28 performers are on roller skates.
Composer, Andrew Lloyd Webber said, “Starlight Express started life in 1975 as a sort of Cinderella story which I hoped would be an animated movie. It never got off the ground. Then in 1983 I rewrote it for my children, Imogen and Nicholas, in the version that opened in March 1984 in this theatre. We are all proud that Starlight not only because the second longest running musical in London theatre history in April 1992, but also has spawned a new generation of theatre-goers who perhaps never considered going to the theatre before and who may have gone on to other (perhaps more conventional!) things.”
Auditions to be held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch:
After months of planning the promoters, together with the Resident Director from the UK Mykal Rand (who also plays Electra the electric train) & Phil Edwards (Musical Supervisor) will conduct auditions in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch in search of New Zealand’s most talented performers and stunt skaters. In STARLIGHT the performers are on roller skates, which require strength and stamina and determination. Potential members (with the exception of the stunt skaters) must know how to sing and dance but are not expected to know roller skating, but must have the potential. To build up this strength, STARLIGHT has a lengthy rehearsal period which initially consists of skate training, vocal and physical aerobics, dance rehearsals (both on and off skates) coupled with specialised training to move and feel like trains
STARLIGHT EXPRESS – NZ Tour & Booking details:
Wellington, TSB Arena from 1 July
Christchurch, Westpac Arena from 11 July
Auckland, Vector Arena from 25 July