Leiataua Of Mano’o Island Tsunami Story
Leiataua Of Mano’o Island Tsunami Story: “What Love!
What Loyalty! What Honour!”.
The church bells broke the early morning promise of a new day on the Island of Manono as the tsunami warning alerted the villagers to run inland to higher grounds.
It became apparent to the primary care givers for Chief Leiataua Unaite, who is a stroke patient at his own home on the island of Manono, that they will not be able to shift Leiataua out of their house and relocate him to higher ground for safety in time. So Leiataua Unaite’s wife and their daughter Sema decided to forego their own safety and to stay by Leiataua’s side, whatever happens to fight the approaching tsunami waves.
Within a few minutes tsunami waves broke through the doors, windows and walls of their house. Both Sema and her mother lifted Leiataua up so that he will not drown. When the waves retreated they fought the waves to keep Leiataua and themselves from being sucked out to sea.
Chief Leiataua Unaite, his devoted wife and loyal daughter all survived the tsunami and the fierce waves. What love! What loyalty! What honour! Even in the face of the killer tsunami waves!
Dr Joe Williams of Auckland and members of TS09 from New Zealand came across Leiataua Unaite when visited Manono Island two weeks after the tsunami. Dr. Williams was able to carry out medical checks for many of the elderly and disable and provide medications.
Chief Leiataua Unaite is in real need
to see a doctor and to receive medications. However, his
difficulty as a stroke patient like many others with
disability on Manono, with transportation via a small boat
to Upolu would mean they cannot travel to see a doctor in
the main island of Upolu.
Tsunami Samoa 09
Funds appeal and associates are committed to paying for a
doctor and nurse from MedCen Hospital to visit Leiataua
Unaite on the island of Manono. In addition, Tsunami Samoa
09 Funds appeal will pay for all the medications Leiataua
would need at this stage. TS09 is also encouraging Samoa’s
Ministry of Health for better medical support for the
residents of Manono Island………. (See attachment with
Tsunami Samoa 09 Funds (TS09) Appeal will be sharing many stories of heroism and acts of kindness during and after the tsunami in Samoa. The stories are told by the survivors of the tsunami and volunteer helpers and written by Olo Elise Puni during his visits to the affected locations.
We welcome all and anyone to support and partner with the ‘TSUNAMI SAMOA 09 FUNDS’ appeal.
ACCOUNT NAME: Tsunami Samoa 09
ANZ Sylvia Park Branch