Keep burglars out this holiday season
Keep burglars out this holiday season
The Christmas holiday season is a busy time where burglars can target the unsuspecting, but you can prepare early to avoid the pitfalls.
"The festive season and warmer months
generally see more people out socializing, Christmas
shopping and enjoying a break," says Acting Wellington
District Commander, Superintendent Gail Gibson. "Sometimes
this relaxed attitude extends to property security and
that's what leads to opportunist burglary and
Burglary deterrence can be as easy as people checking that doors and windows to houses and vehicles are properly secured, especially when left unattended.
Minor changes to homes can make a difference. Sensor lights and window locks can cause thieves to look for an easier home to burgle.
Store keys and smaller valuables away from open windows prevent thieves reaching in and taking them. Larger items such as gaming consoles, electronics and other valuables should not be visible from outside the home.
When Christmas shopping, ensure your vehicle is securely locked before you leave it unattended. Store items such as phones, laptops, electronics, wallets and Christmas shopping parcels out of view or they can become targeted by thieves looking inside parked cars. Be aware of who is around if you are dropping parcels off to your car before resuming with your shopping and check your vehicle is properly secured before walking away.
Careful positioning of your Christmas tree can help prevent burglary to your home - prying eyes may be tempted by seeing wrapped gifts through windows. And after unwrapping your gifts, don't let the thieves know what you got! Turn packaging from valuable items inside out and fold them flat before placing in the recycling or trash.
"Opportunist thieves are a major concern to Police," says Superintendent Gibson. "The public can certainly help protect their property over the holiday period by not providing clues about their valuables to eagle-eyed thieves."
If you're enjoying a break at home or away, some easy tips will help prevent your home and property from being targeted.
A simple plan to make your home look occupied while away on holiday provides a deterrent for would-be burglars. Small preparations can be made in advance - have someone clear the mailbox, hang some laundry out, use timers to switch lights on at night and leave a car parked on the driveway. If you're part of a Neighbourhood Support group, members can keep an eye on your home while you're away.
If spending time at home, lock your front door while you are working in the back garden. Thieves have been known to enter homes after knocking on the front door, waiting for an answer and then trying the door handle. Garages that face the road should be monitored when left open to air and should be securely locked when you're out. Again, conceal valuables such as tools and mowers out of sight.
Superintendent Gibson also reminds that sober drivers should be arranged to ensure people get home safely after a night out, as the frequency of alcohol and drug checkpoints will increase during the holiday season.
Police in Wellington District wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and a joyous New Year.
More safety tips can be found on the NZ Police website:-
"Help us to help you avoid burglaries" A brochure with burglary tips for homes, when you're away, hoax callers and for business premises.
"Reducing a burglar's opportunities"
Safety tips